Day 1C

3/30/2024, 11:55:00 PM

Pham Bao lands the flush for a huge pot

Level 19: 6,000 / 12,000 ante: 12,000

Facing a raise by utg, Pham Bao thee-bets 56,000, lojack Moong Jang Ho and utg call. At the flop K T 7 , Moong bets 16,000, utg calls, Pham check-raises 116,000, Moong calls, utg folds. The turn 2 sees Pham lead out with a shove, Moong snap calls.

Pham Bao A K Moong Jang Ho A K

The river 5 is the money card for Pham Bao for the flush to double through.

Chip Counts

979,000(82 BB)
310,000(26 BB)