Day 1C

3/20/2024, 11:37:00 PM

Big flop for Darragh Curtin to end Tan Win Meng

Level 16: 3,000 / 5,000 ante: 5,000
Darragh Curtin at USOP Danang 2024
Darragh Curtin

Darragh Curtin opens from utg then calls utg+1 Tan Win Meng’s repop of 59,000. Both see a flop A Q A , Curtin bets 5,000, Tan shoves his 1000 chip behind and way behind with 8 8 to Curtin’s A K trips. The turn 4 seals it for Curtin as Tan packs up to go.

Chip Counts

350,000(70 BB)