Final Day

2/19/2023, 1:40:00 PM

Pot for Tiger Ong

Level 29: 50,000 / 100,000

100,000 BB Ante

Button player Yao Yu Ho 何曜宇 raises to 200,000, small blind Tiger Beng Wei Ong calls, the flop comes 5 3 8 , Ong check-calls a 200,000 bet. The turn T and river 2 are checked by both. Ong shows 4 4 , Ho 何曜宇 mucks.

Chip Counts

2,770,000(28 BB)
1,640,000(16 BB)
2/19/2023, 1:20:00 PM

Chip leader Liu 劉家菘 rises to 6M

Level 29: 50,000 / 100,000

100,000 BB Ante

From cutoff, Jia Song Liu 劉家菘 raises to 210,000, small blinds Yao Yu Ho 何曜宇 three-bets to 625,000, Liu 劉家菘 calls. Both players check the flop J 2 9 , the turn is 6 . Ho 何曜宇 bets 275,000, Liu 劉家菘 raises to 800,000, Ho 何曜宇 counts out his stack then folds.

Chip Counts

6,030,000(60 BB)
2,340,000(23 BB)