Day 1A

2/15/2023, 10:50:00 PM

Tse Paul Lee finds the river

Level 14: 1,500 / 3,000

3,000 BB Ante

From hijack Ko Chia Chiang limps, cutoff Tse Paul Lee raises to 22,000, three folds then back to Chiang who calls. At the flop T 5 T , Chiang check-calls Lee’s 22,000 bet then both check the turn 6 . Chiang leads out 25,000 on the river A , Lee flats. Chiang has J J , Lee has him A Q top pair on the river.

Chip Counts

185,000(62 BB)
130,000(43 BB)
2/15/2023, 6:10:00 PM

Tse Paul Lee connects to climb to 90K

Level 8: 500 / 1,000

1,000 BB Ante

DSC 6718 1
Tse Paul Lee

Late position player raises to 2,200, button Tse Paul Lee calls, big blind three-bets to 16,000, initial raiser folds while Lee tank-calls. At the flop 5 J 8 , big blind quickly jams, Lee calls.

Big blind 9 9 Lee 5 5

The turn J and river 8 keep Lee ahead to boot one out. Seconds after, the player re-entered and is seated back on the same seat.

Chip Counts

90,000(90 BB)