U Series of Poker (USOP) – Poker2U 2023 Taiwan Series
Taiwan, Chinese Texas Hold’em Poker AssociationEVENT
2023.02.15 - 2023.02.19
Day 1A
2/15/2023, 3:25:00 PM
Kuo Liwei in action
Level 4: 200 / 400
400 BB Ante
Kuo Liwei has been moved and has quickly initiated action. Middle position opens for 1,000, small blind Alex Wong and big blind Kuo call, the flop is J♠ 8♠ 7♣ . Kuo check-calls 1,100 after Wong folds. Both players check the turn 4♠ . The river J♣ Kuo leads and wins it then and there.
Two hands after, Kuo is in a hand again. On a board 5♦ A♦ 8♠ K♣ and 5,400 in the pot, cutoff Kuo bets 4,000, button Tan Tong raises to 12,000, Kuo folds.