Day 1A

2/15/2023, 5:40:00 PM

Jackson Hui fires at every stage, rises to 133K

Level 7: 400 / 800

800 BB Ante

Three players stare down a flop K J 7 , small blind Jackson Hui checks, middle position bets 4,000, button player folds, Hui raises to 20,000. Mp calls and the turn is A . Hui bets 20,000 again and is called. The river 5 , Hui lowers his bet to 19,000, gets the call, shows J J set to scoop it up.

Chip Counts

133,000(166 BB)
2/15/2023, 1:30:00 AM

0: Aggro Kar Hou Lin gets trips to fold

Level 17: 3,000 / 6,000

6,000 BB Ante

DSC 6823
Jackson Hui and Kar Hou Lim

Cutoff Jackson Hui raises to 15,000, button Kar Hou Lin and big blind Duhan Lee call. The flop comes 4 5 5 , Hui bets 10,000, Lim raises to 21,000, Lee check-folds. Back to Hui with a call. The turn 8 , Hui check-calls 46,000. The river 6 Lin ask Hui a rough count of his stack then fires an 83,000 bet. This sends Hui tanking until he opts to fold and show 5 trips.

Chip Counts

450,000(75 BB)
175,000(29 BB)