Final Day

11/23/2023, 6:10:00 PM

Scare for Dinh Tien Thanh against Oliver Biles

Level 16: 10,000 / 20,000 ante: 20,000

Utg Dinh Tien Thanh opens 50,000, cutoff Oliver Biles calls, flop comes Q 3 Q . Dinh c-bets 25,000, Biles raises 80,000, Dinh three-bet shoves (440,000), Biles calls and shows A T flush draw. Dinh is ahead with A Q . The turn 7 grants Biles the flush to take the lead but the river A is a full house for Dinh to double up.

Chip Counts

1,030,000(52 BB)
500,000(25 BB)
11/23/2023, 4:50:00 PM

Oliver Biles doubles with cowboys over queens

Level 14: 6,000 / 12,000 ante: 12,000

Utg+1 Song Li opens 25,000, cutoff Oliver Biles three-bets 63,000, Li four-bets 150,000, Biles five-bets all in 401,000, Li calls. Biles K K , Li Q Q , board runs out A 2 8 3 5 .

Chip Counts

832,000(69 BB)
300,000(25 BB)