Day 2

11/26/2023, 4:50:00 PM

Park Chul Min doubles against Vu Thai Bao

Level 31: 10,000 / 20,000 ante: 20,000

Hijack Nguyen Duy Thuc min-raises, cutoff Vu Thai Bao calls, small blind Park Chul Min three-bets 100,000, Nguyen and Vu call. At the flop K T 3 , Park c-bets 55,000, Nguyen folds, Vu calls. The J turn sees Park shove (135,000), Vu calls after using one time bank. Vu has T Q , Park with A Q , straight, with the river 5 , Park doubles up.

Chip Counts

720,000(36 BB)
625,000(31 BB)
175,000(9 BB)