Day 2

11/26/2023, 7:55:00 PM

Tian Hao Zheng’s broadway rails Manoj Pentakota

Level 34: 20,000 / 40,000 ante: 40,000

Utg Nguyen Van Phuong opens 80,000, button Tian Hao Zheng and big blind Manoj Pentakota call. At the flop J T 8 , it is checked to Zheng who bets 150,000, Pentakota check-raises all in (250,000), Nguyen calls, Zheng calls for a possible side pot. Both players check the turn 3 to bring the river A . Zheng generates a side pot with a 200,000 bet, Nguyen calls. Zheng has K Q broadway, Nguyen J J set, Zheng wins the side pot. Pentakota turns over Q 9 lower straight and busts.

Chip Counts

2,750,000(69 BB)
2,400,000(60 BB)