Day 2

11/26/2023, 4:00:00 PM

Back to back pots for Natalia Rozova, Harsh Bubna railed

Level 30: 10,000 / 15,000 ante: 15,000

Button Natalia Rozova min-raises, blinds call, all three check the flop 7 3 6 . On the turn 5 , sb Dang Van Hien bets 25,000, bb folds, Rozova calls, river comes 2 . Dang bets 80,000, Rozova calls, Dang turns over Q T air, Rozova claims the pot with J 7 top pair.

Immediately after winning the pot Rozova raises 30,000 from cutoff, small blind Harsh Bubna re-raises 185,000, Rozova shoves, Bubna commits his remaining 15,000 stack. Rozova has 9 9 , Bubna behind with 6 6 , board runs 2 8 J 2 3 . Bubna is eliminated.

Chip Counts

700,000(47 BB)