Day 1B
Kuo Long Chueh chips up in three way pot

Utg Justin Chan opened to 16,000, called by both players on the blinds - Kuo Long Chueh (SB) and Zhong Zhi (BB). On flop 5♠ K♥ 6♥ , Chan continued for 25,000, check called once more by both opponents. All three checked turn Q♥ through and moved on to river Q♦ . Zhong led for 72,000 and Kuo check called to showdown. Zhong shows A♠ 5♥ , no good against Kuo's K♠ 7♦ .
Player | Chips |
JC Justin Chan | 1,000,000(100 BB) |
740,000(74 BB) | |
260,000(26 BB) |
Justin Chan collects max value

Utg opened, followed by a three bet to 40,000 from Zhong Zhi. Justin Chan cold calls, revealing flop A♠ 9♥ 8♦ . Zhong continues for 50,000 and shoves all-in on turn T♥ . Chan calls off for his 143,000 behind with A♦ Q♥ and is ahead of his opponent's A♥ J♥ . The river 2♣ seals the win for Chan, shooting him up past the 500k mark.
Player | Chips |
JC Justin Chan | 502,000(63 BB) |
160,000(20 BB) |
Pang Wei Tsao bets for the win

A threeway raised pot headed to flop 9♣ A♣ 9♠ . Action was checked to Zhong Zhi who sent out a 20,000 bet. Big blind Pang Wei Tsao continues with both checking down turn 7♠ . On river 3♥ , Pang led for 30,000 and ushered a fold from his opponent shortly after.
Player | Chips |
PT Pangwei Tsao | 510,000(85 BB) |
410,000(68 BB) |