Prize (New Taiwan Dollar)
Blind level
Level 27: 75,000 / 125,000 ante: 125,000
Total Chips
Day 2
7/25/2024, 1:52:31 PM
Final 9 Players
Level 24: 30,000 / 60,000 ante: 60,000

Player | Chips | Table | Seat |
KH Kai Hung Hu | 2,060,000(34 BB) | 1 | 1 |
YS Yu Shih | 1,135,000(19 BB) | 1 | 2 |
HM Hiu Man Ng | 870,000(15 BB) | 1 | 3 |
CH Chun Ho (2) | 985,000(16 BB) | 1 | 4 |
PK Pak Kwan Chan | 1,440,000(24 BB) | 1 | 5 |
PC Park Chongmin | 1,415,000(24 BB) | 1 | 6 |
PW Pang Wei Tsao | 1,950,000(33 BB) | 1 | 7 |
CC Che Chun Chu | 2,240,000(37 BB) | 1 | 8 |
KC Kou Chueh | 1,500,000(25 BB) | 1 | 9 |
7/25/2024, 1:41:19 PM
Yu An Shih Hangs Around
Level 23: 25,000 / 50,000 ante: 50,000

Down to 4 bb, Yu An Shih shoves and doubles through Pak Kwan Chan.
Player | Hand | Chips |
YS Yu Shih | A♠T♥ | 555,000(11 BB) |
PK Pak Kwan Chan | K♣T♠ | 1,600,000(32 BB) |
7/25/2024, 1:14:14 PM
Ladies Give Kai Hung Hu The Boost
Level 23: 25,000 / 50,000 ante: 50,000

Kai Hung Hu opens then calls Pak Kwan Chan's shove with less behind.
Player | Hand | Chips |
KH Kai Hung Hu | Q♣Q♦ | 1,215,000(24 BB) |
PK Pak Kwan Chan | A♠T♥ | 2,200,000(44 BB) |
7/25/2024, 12:15:30 PM
Jaegeol Cho Eliminated in 18th Place
Level 21: 15,000 / 30,000 ante: 30,000

Player | Hand | Chips |
CJ Cho Jaegeol | 9♥9♣ | busted |
PK Pak Kwan Chan | A♥Q♠ | 2,600,000(87 BB) |
7/25/2024, 12:13:47 PM
Pak Kwan Chan Dodges Overcards
Level 21: 15,000 / 30,000 ante: 30,000

Player | Hand | Chips |
PK Pak Kwan Chan | J♠J♣ | 1,935,000(65 BB) |
WC Wei Chou Cheng | A♠K♠ | 650,000(22 BB) |
7/25/2024, 12:03:48 PM
Final 18 Players
Level 21: 15,000 / 30,000 ante: 30,000
Table 1
Player | Chips |
KC Kou Chueh | 1,200,000(40 BB) |
SP Songhau Pham | 775,000(26 BB) |
PC Park Chongmin | 725,000(24 BB) |
PW Pang Wei Tsao | 700,000(23 BB) |
ZC Zong Chi He | 650,000(22 BB) |
KH Kai Huang | 460,000(15 BB) |
RL Rui Lu | 360,000(12 BB) |
WC Wu Chiayun | 280,000(9 BB) |
CC Chih Chang | 200,000(7 BB) |
Table 2
Player | Chips |
CC Che Chun Chu | 1,600,000(53 BB) |
KH Kai Hung Hu | 1,550,000(52 BB) |
WC Wei Chou Cheng | 1,450,000(48 BB) |
PK Pak Kwan Chan | 900,000(30 BB) |
HM Hiu Man Ng | 880,000(29 BB) |
JJ Jang Jong Bea | 660,000(22 BB) |
YS Yu Shih | 520,000(17 BB) |
CJ Cho Jaegeol | 475,000(16 BB) |
CH Chun Ho (2) | 145,000(5 BB) |
7/25/2024, 11:50:01 AM
Top Pair Holds For Jang Jong Bea
Level 20: 15,000 / 25,000 ante: 25,000

On a flop A♥ 5♥ 4♥ , big blind Jang Jong Bea check-raises all in for 250,000 and Pak Kwan Chan calls.
With the turn 9♣ and river 6♦ , Jang's top pair dodges hearts for a double up.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JJ Jang Jong Bea | A♣3♠ | 640,000(26 BB) |
PK Pak Kwan Chan | Q♥J♣ | 900,000(36 BB) |
7/25/2024, 9:40:07 AM
Son Wonkook's Ducks Stay Afloat
Level 18: 10,000 / 15,000 ante: 15,000

Son Wonkook open shoves and Pak Kwan Chan successfully isolates. At the reveal, Chan's pocket pair is ahead however, Son's ducks get lucky to stick around.
Player | Hand | Chips |
PK Pak Kwan Chan | 8♦8♣ | 1,150,000(77 BB) |
SW Son Wonkook | 2♥2♣ | 154,000(10 BB) |
7/25/2024, 7:55:35 AM
Pak Kwan Chan Cleans Out Hazel Chiu
Level 13: 2,500 / 5,000 ante: 5,000

Another all in preflop with Hazel Chiu unable to connect on the board to bust to Pak Kwan Chan's pocket pair.
Player | Hand | Chips |
HC Hazel Chui | K♠Q♥ | busted |
PK Pak Kwan Chan | 9♦9♠ | 1,200,000(240 BB) |