Day 2
Final 9 Players

Player | Chips | Table | Seat |
KH Kai Hung Hu | 2,060,000(34 BB) | 1 | 1 |
YS Yu Shih | 1,135,000(19 BB) | 1 | 2 |
HM Hiu Man Ng | 870,000(15 BB) | 1 | 3 |
CH Chun Ho (2) | 985,000(16 BB) | 1 | 4 |
PK Pak Kwan Chan | 1,440,000(24 BB) | 1 | 5 |
PC Park Chongmin | 1,415,000(24 BB) | 1 | 6 |
PW Pang Wei Tsao | 1,950,000(33 BB) | 1 | 7 |
CC Che Chun Chu | 2,240,000(37 BB) | 1 | 8 |
KC Kou Chueh | 1,500,000(25 BB) | 1 | 9 |
Chiayun Wu Eliminated In 15th Place

Player | Hand | Chips |
WC Wu Chiayun | A♥T♣ | busted |
KC Kou Chueh | J♣3♥ | 1,700,000(43 BB) |
Final 18 Players
Table 1
Player | Chips |
KC Kou Chueh | 1,200,000(40 BB) |
SP Songhau Pham | 775,000(26 BB) |
PC Park Chongmin | 725,000(24 BB) |
PW Pang Wei Tsao | 700,000(23 BB) |
ZC Zong Chi He | 650,000(22 BB) |
KH Kai Huang | 460,000(15 BB) |
RL Rui Lu | 360,000(12 BB) |
WC Wu Chiayun | 280,000(9 BB) |
CC Chih Chang | 200,000(7 BB) |
Table 2
Player | Chips |
CC Che Chun Chu | 1,600,000(53 BB) |
KH Kai Hung Hu | 1,550,000(52 BB) |
WC Wei Chou Cheng | 1,450,000(48 BB) |
PK Pak Kwan Chan | 900,000(30 BB) |
HM Hiu Man Ng | 880,000(29 BB) |
JJ Jang Jong Bea | 660,000(22 BB) |
YS Yu Shih | 520,000(17 BB) |
CJ Cho Jaegeol | 475,000(16 BB) |
CH Chun Ho (2) | 145,000(5 BB) |
Che Chun Chu Has The Full House

After his preflop raise, utg+2 Che Chun Chu c-bets the flop 6♠ 6♦ 4♠ and big blind Koh Long Chueh check-calls. Both check the turn 2♦ . Chueh leads out 125,000 on the river 4♦ , Chu raises 380,000, Chueh tank-calls and shows Q♣ 7♠ queen high. Chu rakes it in with 4♥ 5♥ full house.
Player | Chips |
KC Kou Chueh | 1,400,000(56 BB) |
CC Che Chun Chu | 1,240,000(50 BB) |
No Challenge On Che Chun Chu's Shove

Three players build a 180,000 pot preflop and check to the turn 8♣ 6♣ 2♣ J♥ . Preflop raiser Che Chun Chu bets 65,000, Kou Long Chueh folds, Kai Huang calls for a river T♠ . Chu shoves 170,000, Huang folds.
Player | Chips |
KC Kou Chueh | 1,900,000(76 BB) |
CC Che Chun Chu | 470,000(19 BB) |
KH Kai Huang | 235,000(9 BB) |
Yu Sheng Lin Falls To The Boat

Kou Long Chueh raises 45,000 and big blind Yu Sheng Lin calls. At the flop 8♠ 5♥ A♦ , Lin check-calls 40,000. On the turn A♠ , Lin check-raises all in for 455,000, Kou calls and covers.
With the river 7♥ , Lin's trips fall to the full house.
Player | Hand | Chips |
KC Kou Chueh | 5♦5♣ | 1,900,000(95 BB) |
YS Yu Sheng Lin | A♥6♦ | busted |
Strong Bets By Kou Long Chueh

Cutoff Che Chun Chu raises 40,000 and finds two interested players, and all check the flop 2♦ A♥ 5♥ . On the turn T♥ , Kou Long Chueh leads out 60,000, both players call. On the 3♥ river Chueh bets a larger 130,000 and this time claims it unchallenged.
Player | Chips |
KC Kou Chueh | 2,000,000(100 BB) |
CJ Cho Jaegeol | 495,000(25 BB) |
CC Che Chun Chu | 160,000(8 BB) |
Che Chun Chu Defends The Big Blind

Che Chun Chu defends the big blind then raises from 30,000 to 75,000 on a flop Q♥ 5♠ 8♣ . Koou Long Chueh calls. Both proceed to check the turn K♣ . On the river 2♦ , Chu shoves 247,000, Chueh tank-folds.
Player | Chips |
KC Kou Chueh | 800,000(67 BB) |
CC Che Chun Chu | 463,000(39 BB) |
Day 1B
Yi Seung Yong fires hefty raise

A fourway raised pot rolled flop T♥ 4♣ 2♣ . Checked to Kou Long Chueh, he sent out a 25,000 bet. Two opponents fold and Yi Seung Yong put in a check raise to 125,000. Kou folds and Yi rakes in the pot.
Player | Chips |
KC Kou Chueh | 625,000(125 BB) |
SY Seung Yi (2) | 275,000(55 BB) |
Kou Long Chueh picks up more chips
Kou Long Chueh turns a boat to take it down

Utg Kou Long Chueh opened to 6,000, called by button Yu Yung Lin. On board Q♦ Q♥ 6♦ 8♦ K♣ , Kou proceeded to check call two streets then lead the river with an 80,000 bet. Yu makes the final call yet mucks after Kou turned over 8♣ 8♥ for a boat.
Chen Yi Hsuan earns huge double up

Utg+1 Yi Seung Yong opened to 5,000, called behind by Kou Long Chueh and Chen Yi Hsuan. Flop 4♠ T♠ 9♣ was checked to Chen who bet 20,000. Kou makes the call and heads to turn Q♠ . Chen sends out another 30,000 and calls off for his 95,500 behind after Kou moved all-in. Kou shows K♠ 8♠ , crushed ultimately by Chen's A♠ 7♠ nut flush.