Day 1B
Eugene Lim dodges bubble elimination

Eugene Lim flicked in his last 10,000 and was called by Kim Jin Hwan. Looking to catch a payout, Lim survives through with no threats seen on 7♥ K♥ T♦ K♣ A♥ .
Player | Hand | Chips |
EL Eugene Lim | Q♠Q♦ HJ | 32,000(5 BB) |
KJ Kim Jin | 7♣5♣ SB | 100,000(17 BB) |
Straight good for Kang Jin Chol

Kang Jin Chol defended his big blind vs cutoff Eugene Lim's 9,000 open and headed to flop A♥ Q♣ 6♠ . Lim continued for 10,000 and another 16,000 on turn J♦ with Kang check calling both streets. River Q♥ raked in no more bets and revealed Kang's K♠ T♣ for the pot.
Player | Chips |
325,000(81 BB) | |
EL Eugene Lim | 51,000(13 BB) |
Day 1A
Jerry Loh collects from Eugene Lim

A three way three bet pot led by big blind Eugene Lim rolled board 8♦ 2♥ 7♦ 4♣ 4♦ . Action was checked all the way down to the river where original raiser Jerry Loh sent out a hefty 18,000 bet. Lim tanks and makes the call, only to muck after Loh reveals 8♣ 8♠ for a boat.
Player | Chips |
95,000(95 BB) | |
EL Eugene Lim | 25,000(25 BB) |
Eugene Lim wins it with top pair

Hijack Eugene Lim opened to 2,000, joined by three other players on flop A♦ 4♣ 5♦ . Lim continued for 3,500, called only by the small blind. Action on turn 7♥ was checked through, convincing his opponent to check call river 8♠ for another 4,000. Lim shows A♥ T♠ and wins the pot with top pair.
Player | Chips |
EL Eugene Lim | 46,000(58 BB) |