Day 2
Tang Wen Wei Boots Polun Chao

Tang Wen Wei min-raises then pushes all-in for 1,650,000 after Po Lun Chao's 360,000 three-bet. Chao makes the call.
Player | Hand | Chips |
8♦8♠ | 3,000,000(50 BB) | |
PC Polun Chao | A♥Q♥ | busted |
Big Stack Around The Room
Player | Chips |
4,000,000(80 BB) | |
4,000,000(80 BB) | |
3,850,000(77 BB) | |
TY Tak Yan | 3,500,000(70 BB) |
MB Martin Barril | 3,200,000(64 BB) |
JK Jiwon Kim | 3,000,000(60 BB) |
2,950,000(59 BB) | |
2,600,000(52 BB) | |
2,300,000(46 BB) | |
2,200,000(44 BB) | |
2,200,000(44 BB) | |
YM Yujung Min | 2,100,000(42 BB) |
CM Cai Ming Zheng | 2,100,000(42 BB) |
2,000,000(40 BB) | |
WC Wun Cai | 634,000(13 BB) |
Tang Wen Wei Spikes One-Outer

Tang Wen Wei raises to 100,000 and gets a call from the big blind and head to the flop Q♣ 2♥ 8♦ . Big blind check-raises Wei's 80,000 bet to 225,000 then calls Wei's three-bet jam for another 550,000.
Player | Hand | Chips |
T♣T♦ | 3,000,000(75 BB) | |
Q♦T♠ | busted |
In a lucky moment, the one-outer T♥ lands on the turn and with the river 7♦ , Wei ships it and soars to 3M.
River Bet Wins It For Tang Wen Wei

Tang Wen Wei raises to 60,000 and completes the re-raise to 160,000 by Hyun Dong at the big blind. Both players see a flop 5♠ 7♠ 2♣ , Wei calls the 150,000 continuation bet for the turn 4♣ . Dong pushes for 480,000 and again Wei calls to head to the river 6♣ . Dong slows down and checks, Wei pushes all-in for 480,000. Dong gives up and hands over the pot to Wei.
Tang Wen Wei: 2,105,000
Hyun Dong: 550,000
Player | Chips |
2,105,000(70 BB) | |
550,000(18 BB) |