Blind level
Level 19: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000
Total Chips
Day 1A
7/21/2024, 2:04:12 PM
Kicker Plays Fro Hsieh Pei Shan
Level 18: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000

Kalki Chien min-raises under the gun and gets 2 callers to see a K♦ 7♣ 8♥ flop. Big blind checks the action to Chien who c-bets 20,000 and finds a customer in Hsieh Pei Shan while the big blind folds. Both see the turn T♦ . Shan calls a 40,000 bet and both check the river 4♦ . Chien shows K♥ 9♥ for top pair, but loses to Shan's kicker K♣ Q♣.
Player | Chips |
465,000(58 BB) | |
HP Hsieh Pei Shan | 300,000(38 BB) |
7/21/2024, 10:27:23 AM
Pocket Pair Is Good For Shun Yi Zheng
Level 13: 1,200 / 2,400 ante: 2,400

Shun Yi Zheng raises to 6,00 with 3 callers behind to see a flop of 5♦ 2♣ 7♦ . Kalki Chien from the SB leads with 20,000 with only Zheng calling to see a Q♠ on the turn. Both check to see a 9♥ on the river. Chien check-calls 30,000 from Zheng who shows J♥ J♦ while Chien only shows a 7♠.
Shun Yi Zheng: 330,000
Kalki Chien: 195,000
Player | Chips |
SY Shun Yi Zheng | 330,000(138 BB) |
195,000(81 BB) |