Blind level
Level 38: 400,000 / 800,000 ante: 8,000,000
Total Chips
Day 2
7/28/2024, 11:13:14 AM
Hou Chien An Ships It
Level 24: 15,000 / 30,000 ante: 30,000

Utg+1 min-raises and finds three callers to join to the flop 9♣ 8♥ 3♦ . Action is checked to Erwin Ng who fires out 100,000, Kim Kyonghun and Hou Chien An make the call to see the turn T♠ . Option is checked to Ng again who bets 400,000. Kyonghun makes the call then folds to Hou's shove for 1,330,000. Ng goes the other way and calls for his tournament life. The river 5♣ does not help out Ng and goes bust.
Player | Hand | Chips |
EN Erwin Ng | 8♣8♦ | busted |
6♥7♥ | 3,485,000(116 BB) | |
KK Kim Kyong Hun | 730,000(24 BB) |
7/28/2024, 11:10:46 AM
Double Up For Erwin Ng
Level 24: 15,000 / 30,000 ante: 30,000