Final Day
Chan Rong Jie Eliminated In 4th Place - NTD 2,368,300

Player | Hand | Chips |
K♥9♣ | busted | |
A♦9♦ | 48,700,000(32 BB) |
More Chips For Lam Ka Fai

Small blind Lam Ka Fai raises 3,500,000, big blind Chan Rong Jie defends, flop rus 3♣ 8♠ 5♦ . Lam continues for 1,500,000, Chan call then both check the turn Q♣ . On the river Q♥ , Lam bets 4,500,000 Chan tank-folds.
Player | Chips |
LK Lam Ka Fai | 67,450,000(45 BB) |
14,675,000(10 BB) |
Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
TY Teng Yu Yu | 74,025,000(49 BB) |
LK Lam Ka Fai | 42,300,000(28 BB) |
24,700,000(16 BB) | |
19,500,000(13 BB) | |
12,600,000(8 BB) |
Chan Rong Jie Doubles Up

Short stacked Chan Rong Jie three-bets all in and once again gets there to stay in the running.
Player | Hand | Chips |
Q♠J♣ | 22,400(0 BB) | |
CL Chih Li | 5♦5♠ | 9,200,000(8 BB) |
Up and Down For Chan Rong Jie

Chan Rong Jie picks up a pot with an uncalled three-bet shove then on the next hand he gives up some to Ceng Guo Yi. It's all in preflop with Ceng holding K♦ K♠ and Chan with 8♦ 8♣ . No help comes for Chan to pay up.
Player | Chips |
27,000,000(23 BB) | |
8,500,000(7 BB) |
Double Up For Chan Rong Jie

Small blind Lam Ka Fai open shoves with his big stack, big blind Chan Rong Jie calls for his tournament life. When the cards are revealed, Chan is ahead.
Player | Hand | Chips |
J♦9♣ | 10,100,000(10 BB) | |
LK Lam Ka Fai | 5♦6♥ | 41,500,000(42 BB) |
Chan goes on to double up but is still in danger with just 10 bb.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
TY Teng Yu Yu | 65,875,000(66 BB) |
LK Lam Ka Fai | 38,550,000(39 BB) |
CL Chih Li | 23,850,000(24 BB) |
16,200,000(16 BB) | |
14,650,000(15 BB) | |
8,350,000(8 BB) | |
5,550,000(6 BB) |
Two Pair Earns For Lam Ka Fai

Li Chih Hao raises 2,000,000, blinds call, flop Q♦ 7♠ 4♠ is checked around. The turn T♣ has small blind Lam Ka Fai leading out 3,500,000, only big blind Chan Rong Jie calls. On the river A♦ , Lam checks, Chan bets 6,200,000, Lam snap-calls, Chan has K♠ 8♠ bluff, Lam rakes it in with A♥ 7♥ two pair.
Player | Chips |
CL Chih Li | 64,375,000(80 BB) |
LK Lam Ka Fai | 31,350,000(39 BB) |
8,150,000(10 BB) |
Chan Rong Jie Wins First Big Pot

Chip leader Teng Yu Yu opens 1,300,000 and heads to the flop 9♥ 7♦ 6♦ with Chan Rong Jie and Cheng Hao Che. Action is checked to the button Chan who bets 1,600,000. Only Yu continues and both check the turn A♦ . The river 6♠ sees a lead out bet of 6,000,000 from Yu, Chan tank-calls. Yu has 8♠ 8♦ , Chan flips over T♠ T♣ for the pot.