Day 1E
Redemption For Brian Mok

From cutoff, Brian Mok opens 4000 from cutoff and big blind defends to the flop T♥ 9♥ 5♦ . Mok continues 4000 that's met with a check-raise of 15,000, Mok jams and is snap-called.
Mok has K♠ 9♣ , big blind is ahead T♣ 4♣ , the turn 3♦ and river 7♦ are no help to Mok to drop to 165,000 as big blind chips up to 93,600.
Following that hand Mok limps in and is joined by the small blind, big blind checks and see a flop J♣ 6♠ 3♥ . Sb bets 5000, bb folds, Mok raises 10,000, sb shoves, 91,600 total, Mok snap-calls.
Brian Mok K♥ K♦
Small blind Q♠ J♦
With the turn 5♣ and river 4♦ , Mok ships it and boots one in the process.
Player | Chips |
BM Brian Mok | 260,000(130 BB) |
Brian Mok Dusts Cowboys
Day 1C
Brian Mok gets lucky

Following an open, mp flicked in his 7,600 stack with Q♠ Q♥ and faced big blind Brian Mok's 8♣ 9♣ . Terribly behind, Mok turned the tables right after running a full house on A♦ 9♣ 7♥ 9♥ 8♥ .
Player | Chips |
BM Brian Mok | 32,000(32 BB) |