Flight D - 20min/15min
End of Day 1D - Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
KH Kazuki Hane | 446,000(37 BB) |
LL Ludovic Lehaut | 434,000(36 BB) |
RS Ryuki Shirase | 398,000(33 BB) |
JA Janno Alvarez | 381,000(32 BB) |
JG Jonald Garcia | 328,000(27 BB) |
YH Yang Hyunmin | 270,000(23 BB) |
PD Peter Da | 260,000(22 BB) |
MN Masahiro Nakamura | 255,000(21 BB) |
RT Ryan Tan | 253,000(21 BB) |
GB Ganbold Battulga | 239,000(20 BB) |
SD Sung Do Kwok | 194,000(16 BB) |
KW Kim Whan | 190,000(16 BB) |
DY Darren Yu | 152,000(13 BB) |
RM Richard Magaro | 136,000(11 BB) |
IS Ighani Sohiel | 123,000(10 BB) |
AH Ayesh Hetti | 122,000(10 BB) |
AP Ashley Patterson | 117,000(10 BB) |
MC Marciel Cerbito | 105,000(9 BB) |
JY Jun Yongjin | 91,000(8 BB) |
LM Lee Mack | 91,000(8 BB) |
PB Patrick Barnay | 88,000(7 BB) |
MY Mera Yukinari | 84,000(7 BB) |
JA Junghyun An | 64,000(5 BB) |
HH Hironobu Hasegawa | 41,000(3 BB) |
JM Joseph Magnotti | 28,000(2 BB) |
Nakamura Eliminates Colada on Stone Bubble

Masahiro Nakamura shoved from under the gun for 124,000 and Jose Colada called with his stack of 101,000 from the hijack, putting himself at risk.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JC Jose Colada | A♦7♦ | busted |
MN Masahiro Nakamura | 7♥7♠ | 255,000(26 BB) |
Nakamura’s sevens held up on the Q♦ 5♥ J♥ 3♦ 3♥ runout and he took the pot while Colada was eliminated on the stone bubble.
Top Stacks
Player | Chips |
LL Ludovic Lehaut | 346,000(43 BB) |
PD Peter Da | 318,000(40 BB) |
JA Junghyun An | 287,000(36 BB) |
JA Janno Alvarez | 278,000(35 BB) |
DY Darren Yu | 272,000(34 BB) |
MN Masahiro Nakamura | 270,000(34 BB) |
RS Ryuki Shirase | 248,000(31 BB) |
JG Jonald Garcia | 248,000(31 BB) |
SD Sung Do Kwok | 240,000(30 BB) |
YH Yang Hyunmin | 239,000(30 BB) |
KH Kazuki Hane | 200,000(25 BB) |
AP Ashley Patterson | 197,000(25 BB) |
RT Ryan Tan | 183,000(23 BB) |
RM Richard Magaro | 120,000(15 BB) |
KW Kim Whan | 111,000(14 BB) |
AH Ayesh Hetti | 106,000(13 BB) |
RF Roland Ferrer | 105,000(13 BB) |
96,000(12 BB) | |
LM Lee Mack | 91,000(11 BB) |
PS Pham Song Hau | 89,000(11 BB) |
85,000(11 BB) | |
PB Patrick Barnay | 84,000(11 BB) |
JM Joseph Magnotti | 82,000(10 BB) |
CC Chien Chen | 80,000(10 BB) |
JC Jose Colada | 76,000(10 BB) |
HH Hironobu Hasegawa | 66,000(8 BB) |
GB Ganbold Battulga | 65,000(8 BB) |
MC Marciel Cerbito | 53,000(7 BB) |
48,000(6 BB) | |
JJ Junj Javalera | 41,000(5 BB) |
IS Ighani Sohiel | 40,000(5 BB) |
17,000(2 BB) |
Nakamura Sends Off Lee

With two players seeing a board of 5♣ 2♣ 2♥ K♠ and 27,000 in the middle Minjae Lee checked from the big blind and Masahiro Nakamura bet 15,000 from the button. Lee shoved for 65,000 and Nakamura called with a covering stack.
Player | Hand | Chips |
MN Masahiro Nakamura | A♥K♣ | 296,000(59 BB) |
LM Lee Minjae | 9♣6♣ | busted |
Lee missed his flush draw on the 4♥ turn and was eliminated while Nakamura took the pot
Nakamura Knocks Out Son

Masahiro Nakamura opened to 10,000 and Seunghyeon Son shoved for 34,500 from the big blind. Nakamura called with a covering stack.
Player | Hand | Chips |
SS Seunghyeon Son | A♥Q♥ | busted |
A♦K♠ | 232,000(46 BB) |
The A♣ T♠ 2♥ 5♣ 9♠ runout gave both players top pair but Nakamura had the best kicker to send Son to the rail and win the pot.