Flight B
Flight B Ends - 21 Survivors
Player | Chips |
804,000(101 BB) | |
595,000(74 BB) | |
TN Tamon Nakamura | 387,000(48 BB) |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | 336,000(42 BB) |
ZY Zhifan Ye (2) | 328,000(41 BB) |
RJ Rick Jason Ambata | 263,000(33 BB) |
DK Dk Kim Kunwoo | 230,000(29 BB) |
ED Edwin Dela Cruz | 206,000(26 BB) |
LE Lenart Ecarma | 157,000(20 BB) |
CH Claude Henoud | 135,000(17 BB) |
120,000(15 BB) | |
KS Kei Shinagawa | 105,000(13 BB) |
PJ Pee Jay Aratea | 100,000(13 BB) |
ME Marco Espela | 90,000(11 BB) |
AY Akihiro Yamada | 73,000(9 BB) |
RT Ricardo Torres (2) | 69,000(9 BB) |
YK Yasuaki Kimura | 64,000(8 BB) |
JJ John Jay Magadan | 51,000(6 BB) |
TS Taro Sakai | 49,000(6 BB) |
40,000(5 BB) | |
GB Ganbold Battulga | 28,000(4 BB) |
Top Stacks
Player | Chips |
338,000(113 BB) | |
ZY Zhifan Ye (2) | 278,000(93 BB) |
RT Ricardo Torres (2) | 270,500(90 BB) |
270,000(90 BB) | |
IT Ivan Tabucal | 195,000(65 BB) |
AY Akihiro Yamada | 195,000(65 BB) |
TN Tamon Nakamura | 193,000(64 BB) |
JA Janno Alvarez | 175,000(58 BB) |
DK Dk Kim Kunwoo | 174,500(58 BB) |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | 171,000(57 BB) |
RJ Rick Jason Ambata | 169,000(56 BB) |
167,000(56 BB) | |
145,000(48 BB) | |
CH Claude Henoud | 140,000(47 BB) |
GR Galvez Renniel | 137,000(46 BB) |
PJ Pee Jay Aratea | 124,000(41 BB) |
EA Edgar Asehan | 122,000(41 BB) |
YC Yufong Chen | 117,000(39 BB) |
YK Yasuaki Kimura | 110,000(37 BB) |
GB Ganbold Battulga | 109,000(36 BB) |
JJ John Jay Magadan | 100,000(33 BB) |
ED Edwin Dela Cruz | 72,000(24 BB) |
ED Emmanuel Derecho | 69,000(23 BB) |
LE Lenart Ecarma | 66,000(22 BB) |
KS Kei Shinagawa | 63,000(21 BB) |
TS Taro Sakai | 62,000(21 BB) |
ME Marco Espela | 60,000(20 BB) |
SA Shuichi Akiba | 36,000(12 BB) |
IN Ichiyo Niwa | 28,000(9 BB) |
Babushkin Forces Two Folds

Juan Mariano opened to 5,000 from early position, Nikolai Babushkin three-bet to 14,000 from middle position, Rancy Cyril Lee called from the cutoff and Mariano called.
The flop came 3ā„ 5ā Kā„ and action checked around to Babushkin who bet 15,000, forcing a fold from both opponents.
Player | Chips |
253,000(101 BB) | |
128,000(51 BB) | |
102,000(41 BB) |
Top Stacks
Player | Chips |
222,000(148 BB) | |
ZY Zhifan Ye (2) | 194,000(129 BB) |
DK Dk Kim Kunwoo | 178,000(119 BB) |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | 160,000(107 BB) |
RT Ricardo Torres (2) | 148,000(99 BB) |
144,000(96 BB) | |
GR Galvez Renniel | 128,000(85 BB) |
YK Yasuaki Kimura | 118,000(79 BB) |
JA Janno Alvarez | 118,000(79 BB) |
104,000(69 BB) | |
PJ Pee Jay Aratea | 97,500(65 BB) |
EA Edgar Asehan | 93,000(62 BB) |
92,000(61 BB) | |
KJ Kim Jung | 91,000(61 BB) |
AY Akihiro Yamada | 84,000(56 BB) |
TS Taro Sakai | 75,800(51 BB) |
RJ Rick Jason Ambata | 72,000(48 BB) |
EG Edilberto Gopez | 68,700(46 BB) |
SA Shuichi Akiba | 68,500(46 BB) |
YC Yufong Chen | 66,500(44 BB) |
Babushkin Scores a Double Knockout

Ryan Tan shoved for 8,300 from early position, Nikolai Babushkin called from the small blind with a covering stack and Sumay Mishra called from the big blind. The flop came 6ā 2ā£ 4ā and Babushkin check-called a 7,000 bet from Mishra.
Both players checked the 2ā turn leading to the 7ā„ river. Babushkin moved all in and Mishra, who had 21,900 left, made the call.
Player | Hand | Chips |
Aā„Aā SB | 142,000(237 BB) | |
RT Ryan Tan | Aā£Kā UTG+1 | busted |
9ā¦9ā„ BB | busted |
Tan missed with Aā£ Kā while Mishra had an overpair. Babushkin had a better overpair to eliminate both players and take down a healthy pot.
Top Stacks
Player | Chips |
105,000(175 BB) | |
ZY Zhifan Ye (2) | 98,600(164 BB) |
84,800(141 BB) | |
82,000(137 BB) | |
BY Benhur Ybarsabal | 80,300(134 BB) |
77,000(128 BB) | |
MJ Murakami Junichi | 73,800(123 BB) |
ED Edwin Dela Cruz | 71,800(120 BB) |
AY Akihiro Yamada | 65,200(109 BB) |
DK Dk Kim Kunwoo | 61,000(102 BB) |
AK Alari Kunnapuu | 60,000(100 BB) |
RT Ryan Tan | 58,200(97 BB) |
HS Hosin Seo | 55,500(93 BB) |
AD Ashley de Guzman | 52,100(87 BB) |
CH Claude Henoud | 48,900(82 BB) |
IT Ivan Tabucal | 48,000(80 BB) |
LN Linda Nguyen (2) | 46,000(77 BB) |
LS Lee Suya | 44,500(74 BB) |
ML Marlon Laxamana | 39,200(65 BB) |
Babushkin Gets Some Back While Kubalek Hits the Rail

Nikolai Babushkin opened to 800 from the cutoff, Oliver Richert Kubalek shoved for 9,700 from the big blind and Babushkin called with a covering stack.
Player | Hand | Chips |
Aā Qā„ CO | 118,900(297 BB) | |
OK Oliver Kubalek Richert | Aā¦6ā£ BB | busted |
Babushkin had his opponent dominated and after remaining ahead on the 2ā„ Tā¦ 4ā£ 2ā¦ 9ā runout he won the pot while Kubalek was sent to the rail.
Ybarsabal Pressures Babushkin

With two players seeing a board of Tā¦ Kā Aā and 7,000 in the middle Nikolai Babushkin bet 1,500 from the small blind and Benhur Ybarsabal raised to 4,500 from the hijack. Babushkin called. On the 6ā turn Babushkin check-called an 8,000 bet from Ybarsabal. Ybarsabal bet 22,000 when checked to on the Qā£ river and this time Babushkin tank-folded.
Player | Chips |
NB Nikolai Babushkin | 108,700(272 BB) |
BY Benhur Ybarsabal | 77,400(194 BB) |
Babushkin Picks Up Cowboys to Eliminate Victorino

With three players seeing a board of Tā¦ 6ā 5ā„ and 2,400 in the middle Ho-tai Tsai checked from the small blind and Nikolai Babushkin checked from the cutoff. Roxanne Sky Victorino bet 3,000, Tsai called and Babushkin raised to 9,200. Victorino re-raised to 18,000, Tsai folded and Babushkin tank-called.
On the 4ā£ turn Babushkin checked and Victorino shoved for 37,100. Babushkin again went into the tank before finding the call with a covering stack.
Player | Hand | Chips |
Kā„Kā£ CO | 113,400(378 BB) | |
RV Roxanne Victorino | Tā„3ā¦ D | busted |
HT Ho-Tai Tsai | SB | busted |
Victorino had top pair but Babushkin was ahead with an overpair. After remaining ahead on the Qā river Babushkin took the pot while Victorino was sent to the rail.
Hot Start for Babushkin

With three players seeing a board of 9ā£ 4ā¦ 4ā£ and 3,700 in the middle Nikolai Babushkin bet 1,000 from the small blind and Zhong Xun Hsu called from the button.
On the 9ā turn Babushkin checked and Hsu bet 3,500. Babushkin called.
Hsu bet 15,000 when checked to on the Qā¦ river, leaving 7,200 behind. Babushkin moved all in with a slightly covering stack and Hsu called, putting his tournament life at risk.
Hsu had Qā Tā£ for two pair, queens and nines. Babushkin showed Aā¦ 9ā¦ for nines full of fours to eliminate Hsu and drag in a sizable early pot.
Player | Chips |
59,000(590 BB) | |
HZ Hsu Zhong Xun | busted |