Kumar Asnani Finishes In 12th Place - ₱29,000 / $495

Kumar Asnani open shoves 185,000, Juhoon Chung calls and is ahead with a bigger pocket pair. Asnani doesn't improve to finish in 12th place.
Player | Hand | Chips |
HK Harish Kumar Asnani | 2♠2♣ CO | busted |
7♠7♥ SB | 837,000(70 BB) |
Table 43
Player | Chips | Table | Seat |
MN Munkh Natsagdorj | 163,000(16 BB) | 42 | 1 |
HK Harish Kumar Asnani | 22,000(2 BB) | 42 | 2 |
500,000(50 BB) | 42 | 3 | |
673,000(67 BB) | 42 | 4 | |
170,000(17 BB) | 42 | 5 | |
MG Michael Gabby Concepcion | 171,000(17 BB) | 42 | 6 |
AP Ashley Patterson | 317,000(32 BB) | 42 | 7 |
OK Oliver Kubalek | 232,000(23 BB) | 42 | 8 |
Good Pot For Kumar Asnani

From hijack, Kumar Asnani opens for 18,000 then slows down by checking back the flop 6♣ 5♥ 5♣ with big blind Ashley Patterson. On the turn T♠ , Patterson assumes control for 22,000 and Asnani calls. The river T♦ sees Patterson fire 50,000, Asnani makes it 100,000, Patterson can't pull the trigger and folds. Asnani shows A♠ T♣ .
Player | Chips |
HK Harish Kumar Asnani | 302,000(50 BB) |
AP Ashley Patterson | 157,000(26 BB) |
Top Stacks
Player | Chips |
378,000(76 BB) | |
MN Munkh Natsagdorj | 375,000(75 BB) |
AP Ashley Patterson | 290,000(58 BB) |
OK Oliver Kubalek | 248,000(50 BB) |
CJ Craig Jones (2) | 210,000(42 BB) |
MG Michael Gabby Concepcion | 187,000(37 BB) |
HK Harish Kumar Asnani | 185,000(37 BB) |
182,000(36 BB) | |
SG Stephane Graffin | 168,000(34 BB) |
TN Tamon Nakamura | 167,000(33 BB) |
TS Tetsunori Saito | 163,000(33 BB) |
AC Anthony Castro | 135,000(27 BB) |
ES Emmanuel Segismundo | 128,000(26 BB) |
MA Marco Almerez | 114,000(23 BB) |
113,000(23 BB) | |
DB Dmitrii Belikov | 108,000(22 BB) |
GS George Salud | 96,000(19 BB) |
RV Robert Van Schalm | 90,000(18 BB) |
AI Alvir Inocentes | 73,000(15 BB) |
JM Joseph Magnotti | 69,000(14 BB) |
AY Alan Yap | 68,000(14 BB) |
ED Edwin Dela Cruz | 67,000(13 BB) |
KC Kento Chogo | 60,000(12 BB) |
KE Kim Enriquez | 58,000(12 BB) |
AD Alexander Donn | 52,000(10 BB) |
CH Claude Henoud | 46,000(9 BB) |
MS Michael Segismundo | 30,000(6 BB) |
BG Battulga Ganbold | 29,000(6 BB) |
Top Stacks
Player | Chips |
PV Pantaleon Valencia Jr | 160,000(107 BB) |
ES Emmanuel Segismundo | 129,500(86 BB) |
AC Anthony Castro | 114,000(76 BB) |
113,500(76 BB) | |
CH Claude Henoud | 113,000(75 BB) |
KC Kento Chogo | 110,500(74 BB) |
FF Fred Farboud Feridoun | 110,000(73 BB) |
JM Joseph Magnotti | 108,500(72 BB) |
LV Leonora Valdezco | 103,000(69 BB) |
SH Soichiro Higashi | 95,000(63 BB) |
KE Kim Enriquez | 94,500(63 BB) |
91,000(61 BB) | |
TN Tamon Nakamura | 90,000(60 BB) |
HK Harish Kumar Asnani | 79,000(53 BB) |
YN Yoshiki Nakamura | 68,500(46 BB) |
JP | 67,000(45 BB) |
RJ Rick Jason Ambata | 66,000(44 BB) |
MG Michael Gabby Concepcion | 65,100(43 BB) |
JI Jester Intia | 65,000(43 BB) |
OK Oliver Kubalek | 62,000(41 BB) |
AI Alvir Inocentes | 60,000(40 BB) |
GS George Salud | 57,000(38 BB) |
DB Dmitrii Belikov | 56,500(38 BB) |
AP Ashley Patterson | 51,000(34 BB) |
Asnani Boots Rosete On A Flip

All in preflop and it's a flip between Kumar Asnani and Maxwell Rosete. Big cards fail to improve for Rosete to get the boot.
Player | Hand | Chips |
HK Harish Kumar Asnani | T♦T♣ MP | 88,000(73 BB) |
MR Maxwell Rosete | A♥K♦ SB | busted |
Top Stacks
Player | Chips |
RJ Rick Jason Ambata | 89,000(111 BB) |
78,800(99 BB) | |
DM Darren Moves | 74,800(94 BB) |
DB Dmitrii Belikov | 68,200(85 BB) |
CH Claude Henoud | 65,300(82 BB) |
LL Leslie Liang | 64,200(80 BB) |
JM Joseph Magnotti | 63,800(80 BB) |
HK Harish Kumar Asnani | 59,200(74 BB) |
PL Pekka Lamberg | 58,400(73 BB) |
BY Benhur Ybarsabal | 58,400(73 BB) |
55,700(70 BB) | |
NJ Nuestro June Brix | 45,300(57 BB) |
DE David Erquiaga | 40,800(51 BB) |
ES Emmanuel Segismundo | 39,300(49 BB) |
Carsten Klug Wins The Preflop Battle

From the button, Carsten Klug opens for 1200 that's called by the small blind. Action goes to big blind Kumar Asnani, he defends with a three-bet of 4200 which is met with a four-bet of 12,200 from Klug. Klug win the pot with no callers.
Player | Chips |
CK Carsten Klug | 35,700(89 BB) |
HK Harish Kumar Asnani | 24,500(61 BB) |