Flight A
Flush For Patricio Lizano Puts Him On Top Of The Board

A raise to 2,500 from the hijack has both blinds defend and lay eyes on the flop Q♦ 6♣ T♦ . Big blind Seki Mitsuhiro forks out a donk-bet of 5,000 and only small blind Patricio Lizano pays up to see the action-turn 4♦ . Mitsuhiro barrels another 30,000 which has Lizano check-jam to put the aggressor all-in for 54,600. Mitsuhiro calls.
Player | Hand | Chips |
PL Patricio Lizano | 5♦8♦ | 216,000(180 BB) |
SM Seki Mitsuhiro | T♣6♥ | busted |
The river 9♥ is not one of Mitsuhiro's outs to falls to Lizano's flush.
Stephane Graffin Defends The Big Blind

Battle of the blinds begins with sb Suk Hun Lee raising 1200, Stephane Griffin defends. Same action on the flop 3♦ J♥ 7♣ with Graffin calling a 1000 bet from Lee. On the turn 8♣ , Lee slows down and checks, Graffin bets 2500 for Lee to see the river. Lee calls then both check the fifth street K♠ .
Player | Hand | Chips |
SG Stephane Graffin | J♠4♥ BB | 41,500(83 BB) |
SM Seki Mitsuhiro | A♣Q♥ SB | 32,600(65 BB) |
Marc Gagne's Top Pair Is Behind

Four players in a raised pot of 3600 see the flop land 5♠ J♥ 2♣ . Aggressor Marc Gagne bets 1200 and is called by two players. On the turn 9♦ , Gagne continues for 3600 and only small blind Pat Lizano check-calls. Both players check the river 4♥ . Lizano's top two denies Gagnes top pair.
Player | Hand | Chips |
MG Marc Gagne | Q♦J♣ HJ | 21,100(53 BB) |
SM Seki Mitsuhiro | 40,200(101 BB) | |
PL Patricio Lizano | J♦9♠ SB | 39,800(100 BB) |