Flight A
Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
JM James Moriles | 362,000(72 BB) |
DB Dmitrii Belikov | 238,000(48 BB) |
RV Robert Van Schalm | 236,000(47 BB) |
KG Kiril Gelev | 235,000(47 BB) |
234,000(47 BB) | |
RO Royly Oracion | 222,000(44 BB) |
RT Ryan Tan | 201,000(40 BB) |
OK Oleg Kaminski | 182,000(36 BB) |
AK Alari Kunnapuu | 174,000(35 BB) |
SY Suguru Yonezawa | 166,000(33 BB) |
JG Jonald Garcia | 158,000(32 BB) |
WY Waki Yasuhiro | 135,000(27 BB) |
RM Rene Mar David | 116,000(23 BB) |
AO Aslan Olavi Vainio | 107,000(21 BB) |
JM Joseph Magnotti | 104,000(21 BB) |
KC Kah Chia | 102,000(20 BB) |
MM Masakazu Miyamoto | 98,500(20 BB) |
95,000(19 BB) | |
MG Marc Gagne | 91,000(18 BB) |
VN Vivencio Nachor Jr. | 82,000(16 BB) |
CK Carsten Klug | 79,000(16 BB) |
MB Maurillo Bulauitan | 67,000(13 BB) |
GP Gyusun Park | 41,000(8 BB) |
Carsten Klug's Ladies Get Paid In Full

Three-bet of 16,000 by Carsten Klug doesn't shake Munkh Natsagdorj to head to the flop 8ā£ 7ā„ 3ā„ . Klug continues for 7500, Natsagdorj raises 20,000, Klug jams his last 48,000 and is at risk when the call is made.
Player | Hand | Chips |
CK Carsten Klug | Qā Qā¦ SB | 133,000(53 BB) |
MN Munkh Natsagdorj | 7ā 9ā UTG+1 | 61,000(24 BB) |
The turn 3ā¦ and river Kā¦ don't improve Natsagdorj to pay Klug the maximum.
Carsten Klug Muscles In Position

With 30,000 in the pot, Carsten Klug and Jonald Garcia take it to the flop Kā¦ 5ā¦ 4ā£ . Garcia checks to Klug who slides out 5500. Garcia calls for the turn Qā£ . Garcia checks again then folds to Klug's 10,000 bet.
Player | Chips |
JG Jonald Garcia | 133,000(67 BB) |
CK Carsten Klug | 78,000(39 BB) |
Top Chip Counts

Player | Chips |
PL Patricio Lizano | 269,000(179 BB) |
RO Royly Oracion | 193,000(129 BB) |
RV Robert Van Schalm | 163,000(109 BB) |
VN Vivencio Nachor Jr. | 129,500(86 BB) |
FJ Feng Ji Chua | 128,000(85 BB) |
MM Michihiko Matsuda | 127,000(85 BB) |
113,500(76 BB) | |
113,000(75 BB) | |
SA Shinnosuke Arima | 107,000(71 BB) |
JM Joseph Magnotti | 99,000(66 BB) |
JM James Moriles | 96,500(64 BB) |
95,000(63 BB) | |
AK Alex Kaminski | 89,500(60 BB) |
DB Dmitrii Belikov | 88,000(59 BB) |
RT Ryan Tan | 87,000(58 BB) |
AK Alari Kunnapuu | 84,000(56 BB) |
CK Carsten Klug | 77,000(51 BB) |
RM Rene Mar David | 71,500(48 BB) |
AD Alexander Donn | 63,500(42 BB) |
Anacleto Quijano's Ducks Find Company

Carsten Klug opens 2,500 from utg and takes three players to the flop 2ā Jā£ 8ā that gets checked to the turn Qā¦ . Big blind Anacleto Quijano slides out a 4,000 lead, gets raised to 11,000 by Klug, which gets rid of the other two contenders and Quijano's call reveals the river 7ā . After two checks Quijano shows his set of ducks 2ā¦ 2ā„ to scoop up a sizable pot.
Player | Chips |
CK Carsten Klug | 71,400(60 BB) |
LQ Lito Quijano Anacleto | 54,200(45 BB) |
QA Quijano Anacleto | 10,600(9 BB) |
Top Stacks

Player | Chips |
SA Shinnosuke Arima | 114,000(143 BB) |
86,000(108 BB) | |
PL Patricio Lizano | 72,000(90 BB) |
CK Carsten Klug | 69,200(87 BB) |
AD Alexander Donn | 64,000(80 BB) |
AO Aslan Olavi Vainio | 63,200(79 BB) |
VN Vivencio Nachor Jr. | 60,000(75 BB) |
HT Ho-Tai Tsai | 56,800(71 BB) |
MM Masakazu Miyamoto | 53,400(67 BB) |
BY Benhur Ybarsabal | 52,000(65 BB) |
LE Lenart Ecarma | 51,200(64 BB) |
50,800(64 BB) | |
FJ Feng Ji Chua | 43,000(54 BB) |
JW Justin Worth | 41,200(52 BB) |
DK Dk Kim Kunwoo | 39,200(49 BB) |
SK Sergei Korzhenko | 39,000(49 BB) |
Carsten Klug Believes In His Pair

From cutoff, Carsten Klug looks down at 6ā£ 6ā„ and bumps it up to 800. This finds two callers to the flop 5ā 8ā£ 5ā¦ . Klug c-bets another 800 and gets called by Lenart Ecarma as one player folds. On the turn and river 4ā 9ā„ . Klug passes control to Ecarma who bets 2500 amd 8000. Klug calls him down and wins the pot with Ecarma flipping over Qā£ Tā„ bluff.
Player | Chips |
CK Carsten Klug | 63,700(212 BB) |
LE Lenart Ecarma | 17,800(59 BB) |