Flight C
End of Flight C - 44 Survivors
Player | Chips |
LN Le Ngoc Khanh | 646,000(81 BB) |
SL Suya Lee | 550,000(69 BB) |
WK Wanhee Kang | 505,000(63 BB) |
JG Jonald Garcia | 453,500(57 BB) |
CP Christopher Pasion | 408,000(51 BB) |
NC Nayeon Cho | 384,000(48 BB) |
LD Leonardo Drago | 375,000(47 BB) |
KC Kim Chanhwi | 330,000(41 BB) |
JC Jaegeol Cho | 325,000(41 BB) |
AP Ashley Patterson | 313,000(39 BB) |
CB Cheolmin Byeon | 303,000(38 BB) |
TK Takayuki Koba | 294,000(37 BB) |
OJ Ong Jingxiang | 262,000(33 BB) |
CC Choi Chang Gi | 257,500(32 BB) |
JP Jongju Park | 257,000(32 BB) |
HP Hyunki Park | 249,500(31 BB) |
ML Moosung Lee | 219,000(27 BB) |
HK Hiroki Kajiwara | 214,000(27 BB) |
PW Patrick Wahlquist | 212,500(27 BB) |
XC Xiong Cheng | 209,500(26 BB) |
KK Kawai Katsuhito | 184,500(23 BB) |
ES Emmanuel Segismundo | 173,500(22 BB) |
RF Roland Ferrer | 167,500(21 BB) |
TO Takuya Ohara | 149,000(19 BB) |
MM Masakazu Miyamoto | 143,000(18 BB) |
DK Donghyun Kim | 126,000(16 BB) |
CK Chih Kai Chen | 108,000(14 BB) |
FF Florin Filip | 101,000(13 BB) |
MB Michael Bueza | 100,000(13 BB) |
MB Maurillo Bulauitan | 89,000(11 BB) |
SA Shinya Arigai | 80,000(10 BB) |
KE Kim Enriquez | 72,500(9 BB) |
SA Seitaro Aso | 70,000(9 BB) |
JL Junwoo Lee | 57,500(7 BB) |
JT Justine Talaroc | 53,500(7 BB) |
AI Alvir Inocentes | 49,000(6 BB) |
TU Takaaki Umemori | 46,500(6 BB) |
MM Mario Michaels | 46,000(6 BB) |
EK Elmer Kalaquian | 44,000(6 BB) |
NB Nikolai Babushkin | 38,000(5 BB) |
AF Alang Fu Zhenbo | 28,500(4 BB) |
KN Kosuke Nishihata | 13,000(2 BB) |
JY Jun Yongjin | 10,500(1 BB) |
HH Hata Hyoma | 10,000(1 BB) |
Le Ngoc Khanh Calls Down with Ace High

Nayeon Cho defended his big blind against Le Ngoc Khanh's 16,000 cutoff open, and check called another 10,000 on flop 8ā„ Tā Tā£ . Both checked turn 4ā„ through to river 6ā„ , where Cho led for 20,000. Khanh tank called with ace-high Aā„ Jā£ and found it good against Cho's Kā£ 5ā£ .
Player | Chips |
LN Le Ngoc Khanh | 614,000(77 BB) |
NC Nayeon Cho | 365,000(46 BB) |
Michael Bueza Crushes with Cowboys
Facing an open and a button call, Michael Bueza flicked in his last 46,000 on the small blind and was challenged by initial raiser Le Ngoc Khanh.
Bueza ahead, was glad to find no aces on board 7ā Qā¦ 6ā 8ā 9ā¦ to guarantee him the win.
Player | Hand | Chips |
MB Michael Bueza | Kā¦Kā„ SB | 116,000(19 BB) |
LN Le Ngoc Khanh | Aā Kā£ MP | 533,000(89 BB) |
Kim Enriquez Holds Firm

Kim Enriquez defended his big blind against Le Ngoc Khanh's 12,000 utg open, and check jammed his remaining 39,500 on flop 5ā„ Qā„ Aā¦ . Khanh made the call with a flush draw 7ā„ 3ā„ and was up against Enriquez' top pair Aā£ 7ā¦ .
Runout Kā¦ Aā felted no more hearts, leaving Khanh to fork over the pot to Enriquez.
Player | Chips |
LN Le Ngoc Khanh | 561,000(94 BB) |
KE Kim Enriquez | 112,000(19 BB) |
Le Ngoc Khanh Piles It High
A crucial pot with over 400,000 in the middle went Le Ngoc Khanh's way with his ace-king reigning supreme over Naeyon Cho's pocket tens on a king-high board. Khanh's recent boost sees him surge up the ranks and take the Flight C lead.
Player | Chips |
LN Le Ngoc Khanh | 636,500(106 BB) |
NC Nayeon Cho | 261,000(44 BB) |
Chip Count Update
Player | Chips |
CB Cheolmin Byeon | 462,000(77 BB) |
LN Le Ngoc Khanh | 450,000(75 BB) |
SL Suya Lee | 444,000(74 BB) |
CP Christopher Pasion | 371,500(62 BB) |
344,000(57 BB) | |
HP Hyunki Park | 331,500(55 BB) |
MM Masakazu Miyamoto | 290,000(48 BB) |
XC Xiong Cheng | 285,000(48 BB) |
280,000(47 BB) | |
AP Ashley Patterson | 275,000(46 BB) |
NC Nayeon Cho | 265,000(44 BB) |
JC Jaegeol Cho | 252,500(42 BB) |
FF Florin Filip | 248,500(41 BB) |
ML Moosung Lee | 247,000(41 BB) |
KE Kim Enriquez | 240,000(40 BB) |
LD Leonardo Drago | 236,500(39 BB) |
KC Kim Chanhwi | 223,500(37 BB) |
JP Jongju Park | 213,000(36 BB) |
WK Wanhee Kang | 186,000(31 BB) |
JG Jonald Garcia | 185,000(31 BB) |
DA David Ang | 175,000(29 BB) |
PW Patrick Wahlquist | 172,500(29 BB) |
RF Roland Ferrer | 163,000(27 BB) |
DK Donghyun Kim | 161,000(27 BB) |
TK Takayuki Koba | 157,000(26 BB) |
CK Chih Kai Chen | 138,000(23 BB) |
KK Kawai Katsuhito | 134,000(22 BB) |
NB Nikolai Babushkin | 128,500(21 BB) |
OJ Ong Jingxiang | 122,000(20 BB) |
TO Takuya Ohara | 114,500(19 BB) |
JL Junwoo Lee | 108,500(18 BB) |
SA Seitaro Aso | 108,500(18 BB) |
JT Justine Talaroc | 107,000(18 BB) |
MM Mario Michaels | 88,000(15 BB) |
AA Aj Acdal | 87,500(15 BB) |
TU Takaaki Umemori | 86,000(14 BB) |
MB Maurillo Bulauitan | 82,000(14 BB) |
74,000(12 BB) | |
ES Emmanuel Segismundo | 65,000(11 BB) |
CR Czardy Rivera | 58,000(10 BB) |
HK Hiroki Kajiwara | 55,000(9 BB) |
TA Taruli Aritona | 54,000(9 BB) |
EK Elmer Kalaquian | 53,000(9 BB) |
KN Kosuke Nishihata | 53,000(9 BB) |
SA Shinya Arigai | 44,500(7 BB) |
MB Michael Bueza | 43,000(7 BB) |
JY Jun Yongjin | 42,500(7 BB) |
AI Alvir Inocentes | 39,000(7 BB) |
Le Ngoc Khanh with a Big Blind Special
Yoshiki Shimono pushed his last 49,000 on the small blind and saw Le Ngoc Khanh right behind wake up with the best hand in the deck.
Shimono in trouble, failed to catch up on board 7ā„ Tā„ 6ā¦ Qā¦ 8ā , capping his Flight C run for good.
Player | Hand | Chips |
LN Le Ngoc Khanh | Aā Aā£ BB | 183,000(46 BB) |
YS Yoshiki Shimono | Aā„Kā¦ SB | busted |
Fu Zhenbo Alang Ramps Up the Aggression

Initial action between Fu Zhenbo Alang and Le Ngoc Khanh built a pot of 44,500 in the middle. On flop 4ā„ Tā£ 3ā¦ , Alang pulled a check raise to 29,000 against Khanh's 13,500 bet, and followed with another 26,000 on turn 3ā . Khanh gave it a thought and eventually surrendered on the turn, giving up the pot to his opponent.
Player | Chips |
213,000(71 BB) | |
LN Le Ngoc Khanh | 146,000(49 BB) |
Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
CB Cheolmin Byeon | 247,500(99 BB) |
TO Takuya Ohara | 232,000(93 BB) |
KK Kawai Katsuhito | 224,000(90 BB) |
KC Kim Chanhwi | 213,500(85 BB) |
LN Le Ngoc Khanh | 207,000(83 BB) |
NC Nayeon Cho | 206,000(82 BB) |
AU Alexander Ugay | 196,000(78 BB) |
165,500(66 BB) | |
CP Christopher Pasion | 162,000(65 BB) |
162,000(65 BB) | |
MB Maurillo Bulauitan | 160,000(64 BB) |
KJ Kyungsun Jung | 157,000(63 BB) |
RF Roland Ferrer | 154,000(62 BB) |
KE Kim Enriquez | 150,000(60 BB) |
SA Seitaro Aso | 145,500(58 BB) |
RY Roland Yusuf | 142,000(57 BB) |
139,000(56 BB) | |
PW Patrick Wahlquist | 132,000(53 BB) |
LD Leonardo Drago | 131,000(52 BB) |
OJ Ong Jingxiang | 126,500(51 BB) |
JG Jonald Garcia | 124,000(50 BB) |
WK Wanhee Kang | 123,000(49 BB) |
SL Suya Lee | 122,500(49 BB) |
CK Chih Kai Chen | 116,000(46 BB) |
AI Alvir Inocentes | 112,000(45 BB) |
RM Rishi Mirpuri | 110,000(44 BB) |
DK Donghyun Kim | 103,000(41 BB) |
HP Hyunki Park | 97,000(39 BB) |
BM Benjamin Mangaliman | 92,000(37 BB) |
Player Chip Counts on Table 28
Player | Chips |
LN Le Ngoc Khanh | 176,000(88 BB) |
169,000(85 BB) | |
OJ Ong Jingxiang | 132,000(66 BB) |
MS Moses Saquing | 42,000(21 BB) |
TF Thomas Fonce | 39,500(20 BB) |
ST Shujiro Tsutsumi | 31,000(16 BB) |
Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
KE Kim Enriquez | 209,000(139 BB) |
PW Patrick Wahlquist | 171,000(114 BB) |
LD Leonardo Drago | 162,000(108 BB) |
JL James Lee | 148,500(99 BB) |
AP Ashley Patterson | 147,000(98 BB) |
RH Rui Hanazawa | 140,000(93 BB) |
NC Nayeon Cho | 139,000(93 BB) |
ED Edwin Dela Cruz | 136,000(91 BB) |
ES Emmanuel Segismundo | 134,000(89 BB) |
RF Roland Ferrer | 131,000(87 BB) |
CK Chih Kai Chen | 130,000(87 BB) |
MM Masakazu Miyamoto | 129,000(86 BB) |
FF Florin Filip | 127,000(85 BB) |
DS Dong Seok Lee | 126,000(84 BB) |
125,000(83 BB) | |
SL Suya Lee | 123,000(82 BB) |
KJ Kyungsun Jung | 116,000(77 BB) |
111,000(74 BB) | |
110,000(73 BB) | |
JN Jason Ng Tze Wei | 107,000(71 BB) |
104,500(70 BB) | |
SA Seitaro Aso | 103,000(69 BB) |
DA David Ang | 102,500(68 BB) |
LN Le Ngoc Khanh | 92,300(62 BB) |
OJ Ong Jingxiang | 92,000(61 BB) |
EC Eric Ceret | 89,500(60 BB) |
TH Tatsuhiko Hayashi | 89,000(59 BB) |
DY Darren Yu | 87,000(58 BB) |
85,000(57 BB) | |
YP Yohn Paredes | 80,000(53 BB) |
BM Benjamin Mangaliman | 80,000(53 BB) |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | 67,000(45 BB) |
Le Ngoc Khanh in Control

Le Ngoc Khanh opened utg and was joined by three other players onto flop Qā Jā„ Tā„ . Action was checked to Jingxiang Ong on the button, pushing him to bet 4,000. Khanh raised to 13,000 and followed with a hefty 34,000 bet on turn 8ā£ . Ong gave it up on the second street, relinquishing the pot to his opponent.
Player | Chips |
LN Le Ngoc Khanh | 97,800(82 BB) |
OJ Ong Jingxiang | 92,000(77 BB) |
Tomomi Ugawa Pays the Price
Vying for a pot of 11,000 across a completed board of 8ā„ Qā¦ 2ā Qā£ Kā„ , Le Ngoc Khanh on the small blind, made a final attempt with a bet of 7,500. Tomomi Ugawa found the call, yet mucked as Khanh revealed a full house Kā Qā .
Player | Chips |
LN Le Ngoc Khanh | 94,300(94 BB) |
TU Tomomi Ugawa | 34,200(34 BB) |
Le Ngoc Khanh Caught with an Ill-Timed Bluff
Joemark Vasay defended his early open and called Le Ngoc Khanh's 4,500 button three bet. On flop Qā£ Tā„ Aā , Vasay check called another 1,800, peeling turn 6ā . Both checked to river Jā„ , where Vasay checked a third time around. Khanh went for maximum pressure but backfired as Vasay snap called with a straight Kā£ Qā„ , leaving his Tā¦ 9ā¦ in pieces.
Player | Chips |
LN Le Ngoc Khanh | 75,200(75 BB) |
JV Joemark Vasay | 53,500(54 BB) |
Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
KE Kim Enriquez | 180,600(181 BB) |
BM Benjamin Mangaliman | 144,200(144 BB) |
RH Rui Hanazawa | 131,700(132 BB) |
KJ Kyungsun Jung | 104,700(105 BB) |
JG Jonald Garcia | 104,600(105 BB) |
LN Le Ngoc Khanh | 102,600(103 BB) |
NC Nayeon Cho | 99,800(100 BB) |
CK Chih Kai Chen | 97,100(97 BB) |
HK Hiroki Kajiwara | 92,000(92 BB) |
91,600(92 BB) | |
DA David Ang | 85,500(86 BB) |
84,800(85 BB) | |
AY Akihiro Yamada | 79,600(80 BB) |
WK Wanhee Kang | 77,600(78 BB) |
72,300(72 BB) | |
71,000(71 BB) | |
SL Suya Lee | 70,500(71 BB) |
YS Yoshiki Shimono | 70,000(70 BB) |
ED Edwin Dela Cruz | 68,000(68 BB) |
EY Edison Yu | 66,000(66 BB) |
DY Darren Yu | 63,600(64 BB) |
SK Sergei Korzhenko | 61,600(62 BB) |
ES Emmanuel Segismundo | 60,300(60 BB) |
TK Takayuki Koba | 59,500(60 BB) |
VM Vamerdino Magsakay | 58,000(58 BB) |
55,000(55 BB) |
Player Chip Counts on Table 28
Player | Chips |
TU Tomomi Ugawa | 71,600(239 BB) |
LN Le Ngoc Khanh | 66,800(223 BB) |
TF Thomas Fonce | 31,900(106 BB) |
DA Dave Aguila | 31,200(104 BB) |
RH Rui Hanazawa | 30,700(102 BB) |
JR Jesus Rivera | 20,900(70 BB) |
KC Kim Chanhwi | 9,600(32 BB) |
Tomoki Nozawa Pulls the Trigger
Le Ngoc Khanh opened 300 utg and called 900 more following a raise from Tomoki Nozawa a seat after.
On board Kā¦ 6ā£ 8ā Kā£ , Nozawa double barreled - 800 and 2,500, with Khanh check calling both streets. Nozawa finished with an all-in for his remaining 12,300 on river Aā£ and finally got Khanh to give it up.
Player | Chips |
LN Le Ngoc Khanh | 38,500(385 BB) |
TN Tomoki Nozawa | 21,600(216 BB) |
Tomomi Ugawa Wins by Default

Le Ngoc Khanh opened to 200 in early position and was joined by three other players on flop 2ā„ Tā„ 3ā¦ . Action was checked to turn 3ā£ , where Khanh continued for 500. Only Tomomi Ugawa stuck around to see river Aā¦ and faced a final 700 from the aggressor. Ugawa called down and picked up the pot with no showdown as Khanh quickly mucked.
Player | Chips |
LN Le Ngoc Khanh | 43,000(430 BB) |
TU Tomomi Ugawa | 31,700(317 BB) |