#36A Flight A (20,000 PHP)

The first of two flights for the PHP 2,000,000 guaranteed Mystery Bounty drew in an initial 105 entries, and played down to ITM at 16 players. The curtains rung close by the stroke of midnight following the exit of Qi Xia after his pocket queens failed to hold up on a board of T♠ 4♠ 4♣ against Reiner Magbutay's K♠ 7♠ . The runout J♦ K♣ missed to land a third spade but spiked Magbutay a pair of kings to send Xia towards the exit and wrap up the action.
With the last minute win, Magbutay finished the day with the lead, bringing a mighty 497,000 (99 BB) onto the Day 2 Final rounds, joined by South Korea's Yi Seung Yong across the 400,000 mark.