Flight C
End of Flight C - 31 Survivors
Player | Chips |
JK Jon Kyte | 427,000(85 BB) |
MA Martin Astorga | 425,000(85 BB) |
415,000(83 BB) | |
ME Marco Espela | 385,000(77 BB) |
313,000(63 BB) | |
JR Jensen Rex Chow | 304,000(61 BB) |
DH David Howard | 291,000(58 BB) |
KK Keita Kitamura | 265,000(53 BB) |
YG Yoo Gyeong Tae | 252,000(50 BB) |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 234,000(47 BB) |
WW William Wright | 227,000(45 BB) |
JC Jerome Cruz | 210,000(42 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 204,000(41 BB) |
MM Masakazu Miyamoto | 178,000(36 BB) |
AI Alvir Inocentes | 175,000(35 BB) |
CR Czardy Rivera | 165,000(33 BB) |
JC John Carlo Sayo | 157,000(31 BB) |
156,000(31 BB) | |
PT Paul Tirnovean | 153,000(31 BB) |
PE Paul Elliott | 142,000(28 BB) |
CS Chirag Shah | 134,000(27 BB) |
UE Uuganbayar Erdenekhu | 128,000(26 BB) |
CL Christian Lortie | 126,000(25 BB) |
SL Suya Lee | 123,000(25 BB) |
AL Alexis Lim | 118,000(24 BB) |
CP Christopher Pasion | 102,000(20 BB) |
DC Dillion Chua | 102,000(20 BB) |
RM Rishi Mirpuri | 87,000(17 BB) |
BE Benjamin Ebarle | 70,000(14 BB) |
BB Brenton Buttigieg | 58,000(12 BB) |
ML Marcuss Liow | 47,000(9 BB) |
Woobeen Lee Cracks Aces, Busts Lenart Ecarma

Woobeen Lee opened on the cutoff and called a 30,000 three bet from Lenart Ecarma on the small blind. On flop 8♣ 2♥ 3♠ , Ecarma continued for 40,000, and called off for his remaining 91,000 after Lee moved all-in.
Woobeen Lee K♣ 3♣
Lenart Ecarma A♦ A♠
Ecarma in great shape for a double up, instead headed for the exit as the runout K♥ 6♣ landed Lee two pair to bag the win.
Player | Chips |
414,000(83 BB) | |
LE Lenart Ecarma | busted |
Woobeen Lee Clips Yashiro Naoki's Wings

Woobeen Lee opened 8,000 utg+1 and was joined by both players on the blinds onto flop 4♠ 8♥ 6♦ . Lee continued for 10,000, check raised by Yashiro Naoki to 25,000. Lee made the call, and called another 50,000 on turn A♦ .
On river 7♥ , Naoki barreled all-in, only to be snap called by Lee for his last 35,000 with a straight 5♣ 5♠ . Naoki turned over flopped two pair 8♠ 6♣ , leaving him to drop down to five big blinds.
Player | Chips |
248,000(62 BB) | |
YN Yashiro Naoki | 19,000(5 BB) |
Double Barrel Works for Woobeen Lee

Woobeen Lee opened 6,000 on the cutoff and was called by Czardy Rivera behind, along with Jerome Cruz on the big blind. Lee continued for 10,500 on flop 4♥ A♥ J♠ , weeding out none onto turn Q♥ . Lee barreled another 22,000, enough to push both opponents out of the way.
Player | Chips |
209,000(70 BB) | |
CR Czardy Rivera | 188,000(63 BB) |
JC Jerome Cruz | 96,000(32 BB) |
Top Chip Counts

Player | Chips |
CL Christian Lortie | 237,000(158 BB) |
YG Yoo Gyeong Tae | 178,000(119 BB) |
RM Richard Marquez | 176,000(117 BB) |
168,000(112 BB) | |
164,000(109 BB) | |
AI Alvir Inocentes | 144,000(96 BB) |
142,000(95 BB) | |
ML Marcuss Liow | 142,000(95 BB) |
140,000(93 BB) | |
JC Jerome Cruz | 131,000(87 BB) |
MM Masakazu Miyamoto | 131,000(87 BB) |
LL Lloyd Locsin | 126,000(84 BB) |
CR Czardy Rivera | 123,000(82 BB) |
JM Jason Magbanua | 122,000(81 BB) |
LE Lenart Ecarma | 121,000(81 BB) |
PE Paul Elliott | 107,500(72 BB) |
YH Yuki Homma | 107,500(72 BB) |
SL | 103,000(69 BB) |
BB Brenton Buttigieg | 101,000(67 BB) |
CS Chirag Shah | 98,000(65 BB) |
MA Martin Astorga | 97,000(65 BB) |
KK Keita Kitamura | 93,500(62 BB) |
MG Martin Gonzales | 88,000(59 BB) |
JP Joseph Pineiro | 82,500(55 BB) |
BE Benjamin Ebarle | 81,000(54 BB) |
MC Michael Calunsod | 78,000(52 BB) |
PT Paul Tirnovean | 78,000(52 BB) |
ES Emmanuel Segismundo | 77,000(51 BB) |
RM Rene Mar David | 71,000(47 BB) |
JM John Matsuda | 71,000(47 BB) |
EA Edgar Asehan | 71,000(47 BB) |
AK Alari Kunnapuu | 70,000(47 BB) |
Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
CL Christian Lortie | 225,000(225 BB) |
JM Jason Magbanua | 120,000(120 BB) |
PE Paul Elliott | 106,900(107 BB) |
ML Marcuss Liow | 105,000(105 BB) |
103,900(104 BB) | |
YG Yoo Gyeong Tae | 99,600(100 BB) |
LE Lenart Ecarma | 95,800(96 BB) |
CS Chirag Shah | 93,000(93 BB) |
89,000(89 BB) | |
CR Czardy Rivera | 89,000(89 BB) |
MM Masakazu Miyamoto | 87,000(87 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 87,000(87 BB) |
UE Uuganbayar Erdenekhu | 86,100(86 BB) |
EA Edgar Asehan | 81,500(82 BB) |
CM Christopher Mateo | 78,000(78 BB) |
CK Chogo Kento | 73,200(73 BB) |
BE Benjamin Ebarle | 73,000(73 BB) |
AL Alexis Lim | 73,000(73 BB) |
AI Alvir Inocentes | 73,000(73 BB) |
71,000(71 BB) | |
JC Jose Colada | 71,000(71 BB) |
63,000(63 BB) | |
RM Rishi Mirpuri | 58,000(58 BB) |
PD Peter Da | 57,000(57 BB) |
BB Brenton Buttigieg | 54,000(54 BB) |
JC John Constiniano | 53,000(53 BB) |
Easy Takedown for Woobeen Lee

Up against an early open and a call, Woobeen Lee sent out a 6,500 three bet on the button, and saw initial raiser Nichols Manalo continue to flop 8♥ 3♥ 9♣ . Lee bet 8,000, leaving Manalo with a quick surrender.
Player | Chips |
87,100(145 BB) | |
NM Nichols Manalo | 38,200(64 BB) |
Top Chip Counts

Player | Chips |
LE Lenart Ecarma | 99,100(198 BB) |
UE Uuganbayar Erdenekhu | 97,400(195 BB) |
JP Joseph Pineiro | 92,000(184 BB) |
ML Marcuss Liow | 91,000(182 BB) |
YG Yoo Gyeong Tae | 73,000(146 BB) |
MM Masakazu Miyamoto | 69,000(138 BB) |
65,200(130 BB) | |
ED Emmanuel Derecho | 60,700(121 BB) |
58,500(117 BB) | |
CS Chirag Shah | 57,300(115 BB) |
56,700(113 BB) | |
HR Hal Rotholz | 56,500(113 BB) |
SB Sandro Bruni | 56,000(112 BB) |
53,400(107 BB) | |
RM Rene Mar David | 53,000(106 BB) |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | 51,500(103 BB) |
JC John Constiniano | 51,000(102 BB) |
EK Elmer Kalaquian | 48,300(97 BB) |
46,600(93 BB) | |
CM Christopher Mateo | 42,000(84 BB) |
FG Francis Garson | 40,500(81 BB) |
PD Peter Da | 40,000(80 BB) |
CR Czardy Rivera | 39,000(78 BB) |