Blind level
Level 16: 2,000 / 5,000 ante: 5,000
Total Chips

Flight C

Janette BeeJanette Bee
1/25/2025, 11:45:04 AM

Lester Edoc Doubles Through Nichols Manalo

Level 9: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200
Lester Edoc

A blind vs blind battle saw Nichols Manalo open for 2,500, called behind by Lester Edoc. On flop 9 9 T , Manalo continued for 5,000, and called 6,800 more following an all-in from his opponent.

Lester Edoc T 8

Nichols Manalo Q J

Drawing to several outs, Manalo found none on runout A A , sealing the win for Edoc with his two pair.

Nichols ManaloPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
42,000(35 BB)
Lester EdocPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
29,800(25 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
1/25/2025, 9:35:08 AM

Sakata Kentaro Suffers Bad Beat

Level 6: 300 / 600 ante: 600
Sakata Kentaro

A limp pot blind vs blind saw Sakata Kentaro lead all-in for 11,100 on flop T 9 J . Nichols Manalo put in the call with top pair J 7 , and found himself behind Kentaro's overpair Q Q .

Runout 7 6 however, landed Manalo two pair to turn the tables and knock his opponent out.

Nichols ManaloPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
49,600(83 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
1/25/2025, 9:33:31 AM

Easy Takedown for Woobeen Lee

Level 6: 300 / 600 ante: 600
Woobeen Lee

Up against an early open and a call, Woobeen Lee sent out a 6,500 three bet on the button, and saw initial raiser Nichols Manalo continue to flop 8 3 9 . Lee bet 8,000, leaving Manalo with a quick surrender.

87,100(145 BB)
Nichols ManaloPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
38,200(64 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
1/25/2025, 6:36:28 AM

Jonghoon Seon Wins by Default

Level 2: 100 / 200 ante: 200
Jonghoon Seon

A three way raised pot saw action on board J J 9 4 T get checked down to the river, where Jonghoon Seon on the big blind led for 2,000. Nichols Manalo put out a raise to 6,500, and immediately mucked after Seon made the call.

Jonghoon SeonKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
35,600(178 BB)
Nichols ManaloPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
22,700(114 BB)