Day 2
Jose Colada Flops Quads
Having dipped a good portion of his day 2 starting stack, HJ Seung Yong An has another go with a raise to 11,000 and BB Jose Colada defending to see the flop 7♣ 7♦ Q♥ that gets checked to the turn 3♥ where Jose Colada takes the lead for 10,000 to see the river Q♦ and another 20,000 goes in the middle to find a call. Colada flips over 7♥ 7♠ to take it down.
Player | Chips |
AS An Seung YongKorea (Republic of) | 140,000(28 BB) |
JC Jose ColadaPhilippines | 123,000(25 BB) |
Seung Yong An Puts Foot Down Pre
Ki Bum Park leads the way with an 8,000 open from +2, CO Jose Colada pumps it up to 22,000 and Seung Yong An defends BB with a four-bet to 58,000. Park folds and Colada does the same, but with the aid of a time bank to grant Seung Yong An a nice preflop pot and establish some dominance early.
Player | Chips |
AS An Seung YongKorea (Republic of) | 278,000(70 BB) |
KB Ki Bum ParkKorea (Republic of) | 128,000(32 BB) |
JC Jose ColadaPhilippines | 106,000(27 BB) |
Final Day Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 709,000 |
SJ Sehoon JinKorea (Republic of) | 478,000 |
AI Alvir InocentesPhilippines | 434,000 |
MA Martin AstorgaPhilippines | 417,000 |
FS Francisco SanchezSpain | 379,000 |
KJ Kim JaejoongKorea (Republic of) | 367,000 |
TD Tomoto DaijiroJapan | 352,000 |
KS Kim SehyeonKorea (Republic of) | 324,000 |
EL Ecarma LenartPhilippines | 320,000 |
JT Joseph TalamayanPhilippines | 310,000 |
JI Jester InitiaPhilippines | 306,000 |
KY Kim YongkyunKorea (Republic of) | 285,000 |
MM Masakazu MiyamotoJapan | 283,000 |
KS Kim SeongjinKorea (Republic of) | 282,000 |
RH Remigiusz HajdukPoland | 281,000 |
GJ Gun JegalKorea (Republic of) | 280,000 |
YR Yusuf Ronald CassidyIndonesia | 277,000 |
FR Ferrer Roland JeromePhilippines | 265,000 |
OD Oliver DuranFrance | 263,000 |
EC En Ching WuTaiwan | 255,000 |
BE Benjamin EbarlePhilippines | 251,000 |
SO Shobu OdaJapan | 246,000 |
AS An Seung YongKorea (Republic of) | 245,000 |
AJ Alvarez JannoPhilippines | 245,000 |
DY Darren YuPhilippines | 243,000 |
KJ kim JunhyeokKorea (Republic of) | 241,000 |
HM Hiroyuki MatzusakiJapan | 237,000 |
RM Richard MarquezPhilippines | 224,000 |
DL Darren LeeUnited States of America | 222,000 |
JS Joseph SiaPhilippines | 218,000 |
VT Vito TjahyadiIndonesia | 211,000 |
PX Po Xiang Jun ThomasSingapore | 188,000 |
ME Marco EspelaPhilippines | 181,000 |
MB Michael BrunnerUnited States of America | 174,000 |
NM Naohiro MatsudaJapan | 172,000 |
YK Yohei KatsuragawaJapan | 171,000 |
MG Manuel GeronimoPhilippines | 167,000 |
TT Takumi TakedaJapan | 164,000 |
KB Ki Bum ParkKorea (Republic of) | 160,000 |
LP Lemmor PatulotPhilippines | 158,000 |
RG Renniel GalvezPhilippines | 158,000 |
JC Jose ColadaPhilippines | 155,000 |
SS Sergius SantosPhilippines | 155,000 |
SW Sham Wing SheukChina | 153,000 |
MM Michihiko MatsudaJapan | 150,000 |
KJ Kim Jae JungKorea (Republic of) | 150,000 |
CR Czardy RiveraPhilippines | 148,000 |
OY Ozaki YukiJapan | 147,000 |
MC Michael CalungsodPhilippines | 139,000 |
SL Seojin LeeKorea (Republic of) | 137,000 |
AF Alang Fu ZhenboChina | 134,000 |
KH Kim Hong KoSingapore | 132,000 |
KK Kim KunwooKorea (Republic of) | 117,000 |
FR Fukui RyomaJapan | 116,000 |
HY Hisashi YamanouchiJapan | 115,000 |
AC Anthony CastroPhilippines | 114,000 |
113,000 | |
WY William YsmaelPhilippines | 111,000 |
TK Takayuki KogaJapan | 107,000 |
CM Christopher MateoPhilippines | 105,000 |
CW Chua Woo HianSingapore | 100,000 |
RJ Rick Jason AmbataPhilippines | 94,000 |
JH Junho HyeonKorea (Republic of) | 82,000 |
NR Noel RegenciaPhilippines | 82,000 |
ZE Zhang EvaChina | 76,000 |
KW Khiam Wei TeoSingapore | 74,000 |
AT Alex TaneoPhilippines | 67,000 |
HK Hyeongjung KimKorea (Republic of) | 65,000 |
AD Aoki DaisukeJapan | 56,000 |
JL Jimin LimKorea (Republic of) | 50,000 |
KS Kim SulbumKorea (Republic of) | 49,000 |
IM Ishihara MasanoriJapan | 48,000 |
JM Jeniel MuerePhilippines | 36,000 |
DR David Rene MarPhilippines | 34,100 |
MM Masafumi MatsushitaJapan | 31,000 |
AC Andy ChanSingapore | 21,300 |
Flight D [Turbo] ₱20M GTD
Joseph Talamayan Tops Flight D
Flight D Turbo concluded at level 19 with 12 out of 79 rounding out our day 1 qualifiers. Joseph Talamayan already sat on a massive stack when we started our coverage and ended the flight in 1st place with 310,000, closely followed by Jester Initia with 306,000 and Kim Yongkyun with 285,000.
With 512 entries over all four flights, resulting in a total prize pool of P20,113,920 we have found our 78 finalists that will have to continue to bring their a-game tomorrow to have a chance at clinching the title and take home the P3,713,920 first prize.
Play will resume at 13:00 with everyone guaranteed a min cash of 75,000
Flight D complete chip counts :
Player | Chips |
JT Joseph TalamayanPhilippines | 310,000(31 BB) |
JI Jester InitiaPhilippines | 306,000(31 BB) |
KY Kim YongkyunKorea (Republic of) | 285,000(29 BB) |
FR Ferrer Roland JeromePhilippines | 265,000(27 BB) |
DY Darren YuPhilippines | 243,000(24 BB) |
MB Michael BrunnerUnited States of America | 174,000(17 BB) |
JC Jose ColadaPhilippines | 155,000(16 BB) |
SW Sham Wing SheukChina | 153,000(15 BB) |
MM Michihiko MatsudaJapan | 150,000(15 BB) |
KH Kim Hong KoSingapore | 132,000(13 BB) |
HY Hisashi YamanouchiJapan | 115,000(12 BB) |
NR Noel RegenciaPhilippines | 82,000(8 BB) |
Ono Masahiro Is The Last Bubble To Burst To Make Day 2 Qualifiers Complete
Open-jamming 38,000 from CO with A♠ 7♠ , the shortest stack Ono Masahiro leaves his fate to the whims of the poker gods. BB Jose Colada calls with J♠ T♦ and there is hope for Ono Masahiro, but the poker gods are cruel tonight, completing the board 6♣ K♣ J♣ 8♠ 6♠ and finalizing our 12 qualifiers from Flight D.
Player | Chips |
JC Jose ColadaPhilippines | 155,000(16 BB) |
busted |
Chip Counts Of The Final 15
Before we could lay our eyes on the tables we had another exit from Tracy Crisostomo in 16th.
Current chip stacks are as follows :
Player | Chips |
KY Kim YongkyunKorea (Republic of) | 320,000(40 BB) |
JT Joseph TalamayanPhilippines | 313,000(39 BB) |
DL Darren Lee Yun XiangSingapore | 242,000(30 BB) |
SW Sham Wing SheukChina | 183,000(23 BB) |
162,000(20 BB) | |
MB Michael BrunnerUnited States of America | 150,000(19 BB) |
MM Michihiko MatsudaJapan | 150,000(19 BB) |
FR Ferrer Roland JeromePhilippines | 149,000(19 BB) |
NR Noel RegenciaPhilippines | 145,000(18 BB) |
RB Raphael BulaongPhilippines | 126,000(16 BB) |
RA Ramdrick AznarPhilippines | 116,000(15 BB) |
JI Jester InitiaPhilippines | 90,000(11 BB) |
JC Jose ColadaPhilippines | 90,000(11 BB) |
64,000(8 BB) | |
TS Takashi ShionoJapan | 51,000(6 BB) |
Flight C ₱20M GTD
Jose Colada Back To Starting Stack
Darren Moves opens 1,600 from the button, BB Jose Colada jams 13,700 with A♣ J♦ and Moves fills up with K♠ Q♠ . The dealer keeps it interesting to the end, hitting the felt K♦ 6♠ A♦ 4♦ Q♦ and hands the pot to Jose Colada with a flush.
Player | Chips |
DM Darren MovesAustralia | 41,500(52 BB) |
JC Jose ColadaPhilippines | 27,400(34 BB) |
Three-way All-in
Kicking us off with a 1,600 open from CO, Yuhei Ando watches BU Yusuke Akimoto jam 7,400 and BB Jose Colada shoves over the top for 22,000. Yuhei Ando fills up and the dealer goes to work.
Player | Chips |
YA Yuhei AndoJapan | 47,000(78 BB) |
JC Jose ColadaPhilippines | 29,200(49 BB) |
YA Yusuke AkimotoJapan | 24,200(40 BB) |