Day 2
Jonald Garcia Ends Another Deep Run In 11th For P310,000/$5,353.87
Starting the day as massive chip leader, followed by a bumpy run to the lower end of the field in the past two hours, Jonald Garcia picks up A♠ 9♠ in the BB and jams 335,000 into HJ David Rene Mar's 85,000 opening. Mar fills up with A♥ 8♣ and the dealer delivers four hits on 8♣ 9♠ A♣ 8♥ T♥ letting the underdog emerge as the victor with eights full.
Player | Chips |
DR David Rene MarPhilippines | 1,600,000(40 BB) |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | busted |
Complete Chip Counts Of The Last 15
Player | Chips |
RM Richard MarquezPhilippines | 3,000,000(120 BB) |
AI Alvir InocentesPhilippines | 1,700,000(68 BB) |
WY William YsmaelPhilippines | 1,550,000(62 BB) |
OD Oliver DuranFrance | 1,425,000(57 BB) |
DR David Rene MarPhilippines | 1,330,000(53 BB) |
YK Yohei KatsuragawaJapan | 1,130,000(45 BB) |
AC Andy ChanSingapore | 970,000(39 BB) |
GJ Gun JegalKorea (Republic of) | 745,000(30 BB) |
SW Sham Wing SheukChina | 725,000(29 BB) |
YR Yusuf Ronald CassidyIndonesia | 720,000(29 BB) |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 420,000(17 BB) |
CM Christopher MateoPhilippines | 350,000(14 BB) |
LP Lemmor PatulotPhilippines | 350,000(14 BB) |
VT Vito TjahyadiIndonesia | 335,000(13 BB) |
OY Ozaki YukiJapan | 230,000(9 BB) |
Top Chip Counts With 29 Players Left
Player | Chips |
RM Richard MarquezPhilippines | 1,600,000(133 BB) |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 1,200,000(100 BB) |
YR Yusuf Ronald CassidyIndonesia | 1,200,000(100 BB) |
GJ Gun JegalKorea (Republic of) | 960,000(80 BB) |
AC Andy ChanSingapore | 941,000(78 BB) |
OY Ozaki YukiJapan | 820,000(68 BB) |
EC En Ching WuTaiwan | 730,000(61 BB) |
SL Seojin LeeKorea (Republic of) | 655,000(55 BB) |
MA Martin AstorgaPhilippines | 624,000(52 BB) |
ME Marco EspelaPhilippines | 465,000(39 BB) |
Big Stacks Collide
Jonald Garcia kicks us off with a 16,000 open from the button to take both blinds to the flop 8♥ 6♠ 9♣ that gets checked back to him for a 21,000 c-bet being seperated from his stack. SB Yusuf Cassidy check-raises to 50,000 and only Garcia fills up to see the turn A♦ . Leading for 75,000, Cassidy takes Garcia to the 3♥ river and slides out another 100,000 with 8♣ 6♣ two pair. Garcia calls with two pair of his own A♠ 9♠ to scoop the pot and take back the lead.
Player | Chips |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 1,400,000(175 BB) |
YR Yusuf Ronald CassidyIndonesia | 620,000(78 BB) |
Top Chip Counts With 47 Players Left
Player | Chips |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 1,000,000(167 BB) |
RM Richard MarquezPhilippines | 990,000(165 BB) |
GJ Gun JegalKorea (Republic of) | 730,000(122 BB) |
OY Ozaki YukiJapan | 690,000(115 BB) |
MA Martin AstorgaPhilippines | 549,000(92 BB) |
YR Yusuf Ronald CassidyIndonesia | 510,000(85 BB) |
KS Kim SeongjinKorea (Republic of) | 503,000(84 BB) |
CM Christopher MateoPhilippines | 470,000(78 BB) |
DR David Rene MarPhilippines | 456,000(76 BB) |
YK Yohei KatsuragawaJapan | 422,000(70 BB) |
WY William YsmaelPhilippines | 400,000(67 BB) |
Final Day Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 709,000 |
SJ Sehoon JinKorea (Republic of) | 478,000 |
AI Alvir InocentesPhilippines | 434,000 |
MA Martin AstorgaPhilippines | 417,000 |
FS Francisco SanchezSpain | 379,000 |
KJ Kim JaejoongKorea (Republic of) | 367,000 |
TD Tomoto DaijiroJapan | 352,000 |
KS Kim SehyeonKorea (Republic of) | 324,000 |
EL Ecarma LenartPhilippines | 320,000 |
JT Joseph TalamayanPhilippines | 310,000 |
JI Jester InitiaPhilippines | 306,000 |
KY Kim YongkyunKorea (Republic of) | 285,000 |
MM Masakazu MiyamotoJapan | 283,000 |
KS Kim SeongjinKorea (Republic of) | 282,000 |
RH Remigiusz HajdukPoland | 281,000 |
GJ Gun JegalKorea (Republic of) | 280,000 |
YR Yusuf Ronald CassidyIndonesia | 277,000 |
FR Ferrer Roland JeromePhilippines | 265,000 |
OD Oliver DuranFrance | 263,000 |
EC En Ching WuTaiwan | 255,000 |
BE Benjamin EbarlePhilippines | 251,000 |
SO Shobu OdaJapan | 246,000 |
AS An Seung YongKorea (Republic of) | 245,000 |
AJ Alvarez JannoPhilippines | 245,000 |
DY Darren YuPhilippines | 243,000 |
KJ kim JunhyeokKorea (Republic of) | 241,000 |
HM Hiroyuki MatzusakiJapan | 237,000 |
RM Richard MarquezPhilippines | 224,000 |
DL Darren LeeUnited States of America | 222,000 |
JS Joseph SiaPhilippines | 218,000 |
VT Vito TjahyadiIndonesia | 211,000 |
PX Po Xiang Jun ThomasSingapore | 188,000 |
ME Marco EspelaPhilippines | 181,000 |
MB Michael BrunnerUnited States of America | 174,000 |
NM Naohiro MatsudaJapan | 172,000 |
YK Yohei KatsuragawaJapan | 171,000 |
MG Manuel GeronimoPhilippines | 167,000 |
TT Takumi TakedaJapan | 164,000 |
KB Ki Bum ParkKorea (Republic of) | 160,000 |
LP Lemmor PatulotPhilippines | 158,000 |
RG Renniel GalvezPhilippines | 158,000 |
JC Jose ColadaPhilippines | 155,000 |
SS Sergius SantosPhilippines | 155,000 |
SW Sham Wing SheukChina | 153,000 |
MM Michihiko MatsudaJapan | 150,000 |
KJ Kim Jae JungKorea (Republic of) | 150,000 |
CR Czardy RiveraPhilippines | 148,000 |
OY Ozaki YukiJapan | 147,000 |
MC Michael CalungsodPhilippines | 139,000 |
SL Seojin LeeKorea (Republic of) | 137,000 |
AF Alang Fu ZhenboChina | 134,000 |
KH Kim Hong KoSingapore | 132,000 |
KK Kim KunwooKorea (Republic of) | 117,000 |
FR Fukui RyomaJapan | 116,000 |
HY Hisashi YamanouchiJapan | 115,000 |
AC Anthony CastroPhilippines | 114,000 |
113,000 | |
WY William YsmaelPhilippines | 111,000 |
TK Takayuki KogaJapan | 107,000 |
CM Christopher MateoPhilippines | 105,000 |
CW Chua Woo HianSingapore | 100,000 |
RJ Rick Jason AmbataPhilippines | 94,000 |
JH Junho HyeonKorea (Republic of) | 82,000 |
NR Noel RegenciaPhilippines | 82,000 |
ZE Zhang EvaChina | 76,000 |
KW Khiam Wei TeoSingapore | 74,000 |
AT Alex TaneoPhilippines | 67,000 |
HK Hyeongjung KimKorea (Republic of) | 65,000 |
AD Aoki DaisukeJapan | 56,000 |
JL Jimin LimKorea (Republic of) | 50,000 |
KS Kim SulbumKorea (Republic of) | 49,000 |
IM Ishihara MasanoriJapan | 48,000 |
JM Jeniel MuerePhilippines | 36,000 |
DR David Rene MarPhilippines | 34,100 |
MM Masafumi MatsushitaJapan | 31,000 |
AC Andy ChanSingapore | 21,300 |
Flight C ₱20M GTD
Jonald Garcia Bags Large At Flight C
Flight C had 250 entries with the top 38 advancing and Jonald Garcia emerging as the chip leader, bagging a whopping 709,000 in chips with a late charge including the last minute eliminations of Robert Yamashita and Jeffrey Pamplona. Sehoon Jin finished 2nd with 478,000 and Alvir Inocentes came in third with 434,000. Those three will also start day 2 as overall chip leaders.
Player | Chips |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 709,000(142 BB) |
SJ Sehoon JinKorea (Republic of) | 478,000(96 BB) |
AI Alvir InocentesPhilippines | 434,000(87 BB) |
MA Martin AstorgaPhilippines | 417,000(83 BB) |
TD Tomoto DaijiroJapan | 352,000(70 BB) |
MM Masakazu MiyamotoJapan | 283,000(57 BB) |
KS Kim SeongjinKorea (Republic of) | 282,000(56 BB) |
EC En Ching WuTaiwan | 255,000(51 BB) |
SO Shobu OdaJapan | 246,000(49 BB) |
AJ Alvarez JannoPhilippines | 245,000(49 BB) |
KJ kim JunhyeokKorea (Republic of) | 241,000(48 BB) |
HM Hiroyuki MatzusakiJapan | 237,000(47 BB) |
DL Darren LeeUnited States of America | 222,000(44 BB) |
JS Joseph SiaPhilippines | 218,000(44 BB) |
VT Vito TjahyadiIndonesia | 211,000(42 BB) |
NM Naohiro MatsudaJapan | 172,000(34 BB) |
YK Yohei KatsuragawaJapan | 171,000(34 BB) |
MG Manuel GeronimoPhilippines | 167,000(33 BB) |
TT Takumi TakedaJapan | 164,000(33 BB) |
LP Lemmor PatulotPhilippines | 158,000(32 BB) |
KJ Kim Jae JungKorea (Republic of) | 150,000(30 BB) |
OY Ozaki YukiJapan | 147,000(29 BB) |
CJ Chung Ju WonKorea (Republic of) | 142,000(28 BB) |
MC Michael CalungsodPhilippines | 139,000(28 BB) |
SL Seojin LeeKorea (Republic of) | 137,000(27 BB) |
AF Alang Fu ZhenboChina | 134,000(27 BB) |
FR Fukui RyomaJapan | 116,000(23 BB) |
AC Anthony CastroPhilippines | 114,000(23 BB) |
113,000(23 BB) | |
CW Chua Woo HianSingapore | 100,000(20 BB) |
HK Hyeongjung KimKorea (Republic of) | 90,000(18 BB) |
JH Junho HyeonKorea (Republic of) | 82,000(16 BB) |
KW Khiam Wei TeoSingapore | 74,000(15 BB) |
AT Alex TaneoPhilippines | 67,000(13 BB) |
AD Aoki DaisukeJapan | 56,000(11 BB) |
JL Jimin LimKorea (Republic of) | 50,000(10 BB) |
IM Ishihara MasanoriJapan | 48,000(10 BB) |
MM Masafumi MatsushitaJapan | 31,000(6 BB) |
Jonald Garcia Is On A Tear
With a 43,000 all-in from BU Robert Yamashita in front, BB Jonald Garcia happily calls with A♠ T♦ to dominate his opponent's A♥ 4♥ . The dealer hits the felt with 9♣ J♦ T♣ 8♥ 2♦ to further cement Garcia's lead over the field with two players left to bust to conclude Flight C.
Player | Chips |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 620,000(155 BB) |
RY Robert YamashitaUnited States of America | busted |
Jonald Garcia Jumps Into The Lead
Folded to SB Jeffrey Pamplona, his last 52,000 go in the middle with 6♠ 6♣ , but immediately gets the bad news when Jonald Garcia snaps to reveal 7a 7♦ . The dealer eradicates all hope early by flipping over T♣ T♠ T♦ K♥ 2♣ to eliminate Jeffrey Pamplona.
Player | Chips |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 415,000(138 BB) |
JP Jeffrey PamplonaPhilippines | busted |
22 Players Left To Bust To Reach The Final 38
With 60 players out of the 250 starting field still standing and 38 making the cutoff for Day 2 tomorrow the top chip counts are as follows :
Player | Chips |
KS Kim SeongjinKorea (Republic of) | 384,000(154 BB) |
JG Jonald GarciaPhilippines | 360,000(144 BB) |
DL Darren Lee Yun XiangSingapore | 335,000(134 BB) |
TL Thomas LeeCanada | 272,000(109 BB) |
MM Masakazu MiyamotoJapan | 258,000(103 BB) |
MA Martin AstorgaPhilippines | 230,000(92 BB) |
AP Ashley PattersonUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | 200,000(80 BB) |
AF Alang Fu ZhenboChina | 192,500(77 BB) |
LP Lemmor PatulotPhilippines | 188,500(75 BB) |
OY Ozaki YukiJapan | 182,000(73 BB) |
SJ Sehoon JinKorea (Republic of) | 179,000(72 BB) |
EC En Ching WuTaiwan | 172,000(69 BB) |