Flight D [Turbo] ₱20M GTD
Chip Counts Of The Final 15
Before we could lay our eyes on the tables we had another exit from Tracy Crisostomo in 16th.
Current chip stacks are as follows :
Player | Chips |
KY Kim Yongkyun | 320,000(40 BB) |
JT Joseph Talamayan | 313,000(39 BB) |
DL Darren Lee Yun Xiang | 242,000(30 BB) |
SW Sham Wing Sheuk | 183,000(23 BB) |
162,000(20 BB) | |
MB Michael Brunner | 150,000(19 BB) |
MM Michihiko Matsuda | 150,000(19 BB) |
FR Ferrer Roland Jerome | 149,000(19 BB) |
NR Noel Regencia | 145,000(18 BB) |
RB Raphael Bulaong | 126,000(16 BB) |
RA Ramdrick Aznar | 116,000(15 BB) |
JI Jester Initia | 90,000(11 BB) |
JC Jose Colada | 90,000(11 BB) |
64,000(8 BB) | |
TS Takashi Shiono | 51,000(6 BB) |
Flight C ₱20M GTD
22 Players Left To Bust To Reach The Final 38

With 60 players out of the 250 starting field still standing and 38 making the cutoff for Day 2 tomorrow the top chip counts are as follows :
Player | Chips |
KS Kim Seongjin | 384,000(154 BB) |
JG Jonald Garcia | 360,000(144 BB) |
DL Darren Lee Yun Xiang | 335,000(134 BB) |
TL Thomas Lee | 272,000(109 BB) |
MM Masakazu Miyamoto | 258,000(103 BB) |
MA Martin Astorga | 230,000(92 BB) |
AP Ashley Patterson | 200,000(80 BB) |
AF Alang Fu Zhenbo | 192,500(77 BB) |
LP Lemmor Patulot | 188,500(75 BB) |
OY Ozaki Yuki | 182,000(73 BB) |
SJ Sehoon Jin | 179,000(72 BB) |
EC En Ching Wu | 172,000(69 BB) |
Four Way To The Flop
Darren Lee opens 3,000 from UTG and takes three customers to the flop 2♦ 5♥ J♠ . Continuing for 5,000 has him scoop the pot.
Player | Chips |
DL Darren Lee Yun Xiang | 82,000(55 BB) |
JS Joseph Sia | 76,000(51 BB) |
MA Michael Allen Holmes | 64,000(43 BB) |
DB Dmitrii Belikov | 23,000(15 BB) |
Small Aces Go Full Distance

Darren Lee opens 1,300 from HJ and BB Jung Lovo defends big to see the flop 7♠ 2♣ Q♠ . A 1,100 c-bet gets called and we check it all the way to the river 6♥ 7♣ with Jung Lovo showing A♣ 5♣ beaten by Darren Lee's A♦ 6♣ .
Player | Chips |
DL Darren Lee Yun Xiang | 40,000(67 BB) |
JL Jung Lovo | 21,500(36 BB) |
Topi Palenius Doubles Out Of Danger Zone
Short stack Topi Palenius starts off with a 1,000 raise from UTG and takes HJ and BB to the flop J♥ T♥ 7♥ that gets donk-bet for 1,200 by BB Manuel Geronimo, raised to 3,200 from Palenius and cold called from Darren Lee in HJ for a three-way turn 2♦ . Checked to the short stack, Topi Palenius announces all-in for 7,700 and finds no takers.
Player | Chips |
DL Darren Lee Yun Xiang | 30,000(75 BB) |
MG Manuel Geronimo | 25,500(64 BB) |
TJ Topi Johannes Palenius | 19,000(48 BB) |
Flight A ₱20M GTD
Latest Chips Count

Player | Chips |
JM Jeniel Muere | 256,500(214 BB) |
JH Jong Hyun Song | 143,500(120 BB) |
OD Oliver Duran | 142,500(119 BB) |
BE Benjamin Ebarle | 140,000(117 BB) |
HM Hwang Minsoo | 135,700(113 BB) |
VN Vivencio Nachor Jr. | 103,000(86 BB) |
ST Shinoda Takuya | 103,000(86 BB) |
GJ Gun Jegal | 99,800(83 BB) |
CM Christopher Mateo | 85,000(71 BB) |
DL Darren Lee Yun Xiang | 54,000(45 BB) |
AC Andy Chan | 50,000(42 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 48,000(40 BB) |
SS Seol Sungho | 43,500(36 BB) |
HT Hayashi Tatsuhiko | 37,500(31 BB) |
RH Remigiusz Hajduk | 28,000(23 BB) |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 21,000(18 BB) |
JK Jason Kyle Magbanua | 19,500(16 BB) |
Blind Battle Goes Distance

Juan Casanova fills up his SB and BB Lee Yun Xiang Darren opts to check for the flop A♦ 4♥ K♣ that gets checked further to the turn 2♥ when the BB puts out a feeler for 2,200 and gets called for the board to complete 6♦ . Lee Yun Xiang Darren slides out another 5,500 with seven-high 7♥ 3♦ but gets caught by Juan Casanova holding 5♠ 4♠ .
Player | Chips |
DL Darren Lee Yun Xiang | 34,000(28 BB) |
JC Juan Casanova | 23,000(19 BB) |