Day 1D
Mark Gruendemann Hidden Set Ships A Double And More

Utg+2 Francesco Dastici raised to 600 and found four callers to the flop 2♥ 5♦ J♣ . The crowd thinned on the next round that started with a 1500 c-bet by Dastici, lojack and Mark Gruendemann called, cutoff opted out first, big blind Chia Wei Kuo check-raised to a huge 8500 enough to push out two players while Gruendemann shoved to 12,000. Kuo snap-called.
Player | Hand | Chips |
MG Mark Gruendemann | 2♣2♦ HJ | 30,400(101 BB) |
CW Chia Wei Kuo | 2♠5♠ BB | 19,800(66 BB) |
FD Francesco Dastici | MP | 36,600(122 BB) |
No help came for Kuo on the turn 7♥ and with the river 6♦ , Gruendemann scored a double up.
Mark Gruendemann's Ace High Is Good Enough

After losing a battle on his first deal, Mark Gruendemann recovered back to starting stack against Michael Lin. Following a min-raise, Gruendemann called, button called, then big blind Lin drove it up to 2200. Only Gruendeman stuck it out for a flop 4♦ 4♠ 3♦ . Lin continued 3000, Gruendemann called, then both check the runout 7♣ 7♠ .
Player | Hand | Chips |
MG Mark Gruendemann | A♦9♦ CO | 30,100(151 BB) |
ML Michael Lin (2) | J♣T♣ BB | 24,100(121 BB) |
Day 1E
Med Tseng Lucks Out

Mark Gruendemann raises 22000, finds one caller until button raises 5400. Two spots over big blind Med Tseng jams 21,000, Gruendemann joins the shove and successfully isolates with button opting to step aside.
Player | Hand | Chips |
MG Mark Gruendemann | A♥T♠ UTG | 8,200(8 BB) |
J♥7♣ BB | 51,100(51 BB) |
With the board running 3♣ J♣ K♠ 7♠ 9♦ , Gruendemann plunges to 8200 while Tseng soars to 51,100.