Day 2
Erwin Ng Dominates To Boot One

End of the road for Ling Yen Huang whose highly active day ended at the hands of Erwin Ng. Huang called Ng's four-bet shove with less behind and dominated kicker.
Player | Hand | Chips |
EN Erwin Ng | A♠K♥ | 506,000(63 BB) |
LY Ling Yen Huang | A♦Q♠ | busted |
Yu Cheng Hsu Counters With A Shove

Yu Cheng Hsu raises, gets challenged by a re-raise of 36,000 by Ling Yen Huang, Hsu counters with a shove, Huang opts not to risk the rest to the bigger stack.
Player | Chips |
YH Yu Hsu | 645,000(81 BB) |
LY Ling Yen Huang | 211,000(26 BB) |
Top Stacks After The Bubble
Player | Chips |
ZC Zong Chi He | 880,000(147 BB) |
YH Yu Hsu | 755,000(126 BB) |
TS Tirajad Sirimueanphong | 735,000(123 BB) |
LY Ling Yen Huang | 710,000(118 BB) |
WC Wei Cheng Wen | 695,000(116 BB) |
CM Chang Ming Hung | 543,000(91 BB) |
ML Mao Lun Yu | 530,000(88 BB) |
FD Francesco Dastici | 495,000(83 BB) |
JG Jonald Garcia | 492,000(82 BB) |
YL Yoda Lin | 477,000(80 BB) |
WY Wan Yu Lo | 435,000(73 BB) |
YC Yu Chen Huang | 419,000(70 BB) |
JL Jonathan Looi Tek Wye | 385,000(64 BB) |
KK Kim Kunwoo | 380,000(63 BB) |
HS Hao Shen | 377,000(63 BB) |
CP Chen Po Jui | 365,000(61 BB) |
CH Chunyao Hou | 365,000(61 BB) |
FS Fu Sheng Kuang | 351,000(59 BB) |
340,000(57 BB) | |
EN Erwin Ng | 330,000(55 BB) |
HC Hsuan Cheng Lai | 305,000(51 BB) |
CH Chen Huang Jie | 300,000(50 BB) |
LK Lee Kun Han | 295,000(49 BB) |
DY Daniel Yang | 277,000(46 BB) |
Bubble Bursts!

The bubble has burst at the PS Main Event and the unfortunate player was Chean Wen Chen whose queens were cracked by Ling Yen Huang. It was all in preflop with Chen's three-bet shove of 71,000 was called by Huang.
Player | Hand | Chips |
CW Chean Wen Chen | Q♥Q♣ | busted |
LY Ling Yen Huang | K♥Q♦ | 710,000(118 BB) |
Top Stacks At The New Level
Player | Chips |
JG Jonald Garcia | 582,000(146 BB) |
LY Ling Yen Huang | 560,000(140 BB) |
ZC Zong Chi He | 516,000(129 BB) |
WC Wei Cheng Wen | 494,000(124 BB) |
YH Yu Hsu | 427,000(107 BB) |
JL Jonathan Looi Tek Wye | 411,000(103 BB) |
CH Chen Huang Jie | 390,000(98 BB) |
WY Wan Yu Lo | 389,000(97 BB) |
CH Chunyao Hou | 365,000(91 BB) |
HS Hao Shen | 360,000(90 BB) |
LK Lee Kun Han | 355,000(89 BB) |
RJ Ruei Jiun Liang | 338,000(85 BB) |
TS Taisei Sakamoto | 335,000(84 BB) |
PZ Poh Zi Jie | 332,000(83 BB) |
CC Chia Chin Liao | 313,000(78 BB) |
TS Tirajad Sirimueanphong | 307,000(77 BB) |
KK Kim Kunwoo | 295,000(74 BB) |
FD Francesco Dastici | 283,000(71 BB) |
MZ Mu Ze Li | 271,000(68 BB) |
EN Erwin Ng | 251,000(63 BB) |
SC Shih Chuan Hu | 247,000(62 BB) |
CT Chang Tao Wei | 240,000(60 BB) |
LT Li Ta Hsu | 230,000(58 BB) |
220,000(55 BB) |
Ling Yen Huang Lead Out Bet Earns The Pot

Wedged in between aggressive players, small blind Ling Yen Huang calls utg Philip Wang's 6000 raise, then again calls big blind Wu Yi Syuan's 21,000 three-bet. On the flop A♥ J♠ 3♦ , Huang tests the waters with a lead out bet of 13,000, Wu makes it 33,000, Wang tank-folds, and Huang calls. On the turn 9♦ , Huang puts pressure again with a lead out bet of 32,000, Wu tanks then gives it up.
Player | Chips |
LY Ling Yen Huang | 448,000(149 BB) |
PK Philip King Chung Wang | 185,000(62 BB) |
WY Wu Yi Syuan | 155,000(52 BB) |
Big Stacks At The New Level
Player | Chips |
LY Ling Yen Huang | 351,000(140 BB) |
DY Daniel Yang | 346,000(138 BB) |
CH Chen Huang Jie | 320,000(128 BB) |
YJ Yoon Jae Seoung | 320,000(128 BB) |
LK Lee Kun Han | 310,000(124 BB) |
TS Taisei Sakamoto | 300,000(120 BB) |
EN Erwin Ng | 298,000(119 BB) |
CP Chen Po Jui | 295,000(118 BB) |
JG Jonald Garcia | 295,000(118 BB) |
MZ Mu Ze Li | 289,000(116 BB) |
JL Jonathan Looi Tek Wye | 289,000(116 BB) |
LY Li Yang Lai | 275,000(110 BB) |
SC Shih Chuan Hu | 269,000(108 BB) |
HS Hao Shen | 263,000(105 BB) |
255,000(102 BB) | |
251,000(100 BB) | |
LT Li Ta Hsu | 250,000(100 BB) |
WY Wu Yi Syuan | 237,000(95 BB) |
KK Kim Kunwoo | 224,000(90 BB) |
WY Wan Yu Lo | 215,000(86 BB) |
AF Adrien Favre | 208,000(83 BB) |
YY Yiu Yeung Leung | 200,000(80 BB) |
CC Chia Chin Liao | 198,000(79 BB) |
CS Corine Shi | 190,000(76 BB) |
LW Lin Wei Chun | 187,000(75 BB) |
AV Armon Van Wijk | 180,000(72 BB) |
JC Jia Cheng Luo | 178,000(71 BB) |
TC Tao Chu (2) | 175,000(70 BB) |
Early Set For Ling Yen Huang

Ling Yen Huang is dealt 6♦ 6♠ and three-bets to a fitting 6000 and is called by the two players already in the hand before him. When the flop lands T♥ 6♥ 7♣ , Huang lands a set and continues for 8500. This gets a fold from hijack and a call from Hu Chung I. Attempting to trap, Huang checks the turn 3♦ and river A♦ , but Hu does the same to miss out on possibly extracting more chips.
Player | Chips |
LY Ling Yen Huang | 185,500(124 BB) |
174,500(116 BB) |
Day 1B
Lin Zhen Yi Versus Three

A 1,200 raise from +1 finds three customers to see the flop A♥ 4♣ 2♠ that gets checked around to the turn 8♦ . With another check in front, Lin Zhen Yi forks out a small 1,500 feeler that gets +1 and CO to fold, but Ling Yen Huang makes it 3,300 from the SB. Undeterred by the small size of the raise, Lin Zhen Yi three-bets 13,500 to scoop a nice pot.
Player | Chips |
LZ Lin Zhen Yi | 47,800(80 BB) |
LY Ling Yen Huang | 27,800(46 BB) |