Main event - Day 2
Main event - Day 1B
Top Stacks Update
Player | Chips |
ZJ Zhang Jinze | 67,400(84 BB) |
CJ Che Jiaming | 66,200(83 BB) |
XQ Xu Qiang | 63,400(79 BB) |
JN Jargalsaikhan Nyam-Ochir | 55,800(70 BB) |
FT Fujiwara Tetsuya | 54,700(68 BB) |
LX Liu Xiao | 44,000(55 BB) |
SK Sim Kok Wai | 38,900(49 BB) |
YL Youkan Li | 38,000(48 BB) |
ZX Zhao Xiaokuan | 37,000(46 BB) |
ZY Zhichen Yu | 36,000(45 BB) |
GY Ge Yunqing | 32,500(41 BB) |
Liu Xiao Triple Barrels Then Rails Liao Xi

Three players in on a raised pot initiated by Xiao Liu who then c-bets 1300 on the flop A♦ 7♦ T♦ . Only Liao Xi calls and heads to the turn T♣ . Liu fires 4500 which doesn't shake off Liao as they go to the river 8♠ . Barreling for the third time, Liu bets 10,000, Liao is covered, using up two time banks before calling for everything.
Early Go-ers
Player | Chips |
SN Sanduisuren Nadmid | 15,000(150 BB) |
FY Fang Yiming | 15,000(150 BB) |
SQ Shen Qianrong | 15,000(150 BB) |
LX Liu Xiao | 15,000(150 BB) |
JG Jun Guo | 15,000(150 BB) |
LY Leigang Yang | 15,000(150 BB) |
HD Huang Di | 15,000(150 BB) |
LT Liu Tian | 15,000(150 BB) |
RS Roh Sung Ho | 15,000(150 BB) |
NY Ng Yi Wen Nicholas Michael | 15,000(150 BB) |
JN Jargalsaikhan Nyam-Ochir | 15,000(150 BB) |
YW Yaojiang Wang | 15,000(150 BB) |
LZ Li Zheng | 15,000(150 BB) |
YT Yundong Tan | 15,000(150 BB) |
WG Wang Gang | 15,000(150 BB) |
XH Xu Haiwei | 15,000(150 BB) |
BS Bao Shuang | 15,000(150 BB) |
JW Jingyi Wang | 15,000(150 BB) |
FG Fang Guoqiang | 15,000(150 BB) |
ZC Ziwei Chen | 15,000(150 BB) |
HZ He Zhenqi | 15,000(150 BB) |
SW Shi Wenbin | 15,000(150 BB) |
HH Huang Hua | 15,000(150 BB) |
GS Guodong Sun | 15,000(150 BB) |
Main event - Day 1A
End Of Main Event Day 1A - Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
XZ Xing Zhongjie | 546,000(91 BB) |
CJ Che Jiaming | 337,000(56 BB) |
JL Ji Linrui | 194,000(32 BB) |
XL Xiaolu Li | 131,000(22 BB) |
SN Sanduisuren Nadmid | 119,000(20 BB) |
LX Liu Xiao | 106,000(18 BB) |
LB Li Baicun | 57,000(10 BB) |
LY Liu Yu | 41,000(7 BB) |
Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
JL Ji Linrui | 142,000(47 BB) |
XL Xiaolu Li | 130,000(43 BB) |
GZ Ge Zhigang | 108,000(36 BB) |
LX Liu Xiao | 105,000(35 BB) |
XZ Xing Zhongjie | 94,000(31 BB) |
CJ Che Jiaming | 87,000(29 BB) |
SN Sanduisuren Nadmid | 81,000(27 BB) |
SZ Shen Zhanbo | 77,000(26 BB) |
SS Su Shanhe | 75,000(25 BB) |
LB Li Baicun | 70,000(23 BB) |
LC Liu Chenglong | 17,400(6 BB) |
Yamada Kozo Open Shove 26 Bigs
Yamada Kozo open shoves 26 bigs (65,700) yet doesn't escape the big blind Xiao Liu who calls with less behind.
Player | Hand | Chips |
YK Yamada Kozo | K♥Q♥ | 8,100(3 BB) |
LX Liu Xiao | 8♣8♠ | 118,700(47 BB) |
With no hits on the board for Yamada, Liu wins the flip to send Yamada plunging.
Jargalsaikhan Nyam Ochir Comes Out Swinging
Two players build a 4,700 pot preflop and see the flop land T♠ 7♠ Q♥ , Jargalsaikhan Nyam-Ochir continues firing with 1500 and Liu Xiao calls. On the turn 9♦ , another 3000 from Jargaalsaikhan, and this time no challenge to claim the pot.
Player | Chips |
JN Jargalsaikhan Nyam-Ochir | 17,000(85 BB) |
LX Liu Xiao | 11,500(58 BB) |