Blind level
Level 18: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000
Total Chips
Main event - Day 1C
10/2/2024, 11:14:30 AM
Ladies Boost Che Yixian Into Six-Digits
Level 10: 800 / 1,600 ante: 1,600
Che Yixian and Li Xialin build a pot of 16,000 then go full pedal on the flop K♥ Q♦ 6♦ .
Player | Hand | Chips |
CY Che Yixian | Q♠Q♥ | 113,400(71 BB) |
LX Li Xialin | K♦Q♣ | 50,600(32 BB) |
With the turn 4♠ and river A♠ , Yixian's set of ladies prevail to scoop a double up into six digit territory.
10/2/2024, 8:20:56 AM
Top Stacks At The Break
Level 8: 500 / 1,000 ante: 1,000
Player | Chips |
JN Jargalsaikhan Nyam-Ochir | 107,000(107 BB) |
LX Li Xialin | 105,000(105 BB) |
SJ Shee Ji Hong | 105,000(105 BB) |
PR Pang Ruizhi | 88,500(89 BB) |
PC Ping Chen (3) | 82,500(83 BB) |
ZY Zhipeng Yu | 82,000(82 BB) |
ZC Zhang Chuan | 82,000(82 BB) |
LS Lin Shaozhang | 72,200(72 BB) |
JW Jijun Wang | 64,000(64 BB) |
58,000(58 BB) | |
DQ Do Quang Trinh | 58,000(58 BB) |
HH Hu Haoran | 57,500(58 BB) |
HL Houwenfeng Li | 57,000(57 BB) |
ZC Zhai Changyu | 52,000(52 BB) |
10/2/2024, 8:08:47 AM
Raise Is Good Enough To Take It
Level 8: 500 / 1,000 ante: 1,000

On a raised pot preflop, three players check to the turn K♠ Q♣ 5♥ T♣ , Che Yixian leads out for 4000, Li Xialin and Jin Yunlong call. On the river 7♠ , Che leads out again, this time for 9500, Li raises to 30,000, Jin fold, Che gives up his hand as well.
Player | Chips |
LX Li Xialin | 92,300(92 BB) |
CY Che Yixian | 37,000(37 BB) |
YJ Yunlong Jin | 36,300(36 BB) |