Blind level
Level 18: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000
Total Chips
Main event - Day 1B
10/1/2024, 3:43:21 AM
Early Go-ers
Level 1: 100 / 100 ante: 100
Player | Chips |
SN Sanduisuren Nadmid | 15,000(150 BB) |
FY Fang Yiming | 15,000(150 BB) |
SQ Shen Qianrong | 15,000(150 BB) |
LX Liu Xiao | 15,000(150 BB) |
JG Jun Guo | 15,000(150 BB) |
LY Leigang Yang | 15,000(150 BB) |
HD Huang Di | 15,000(150 BB) |
LT Liu Tian | 15,000(150 BB) |
RS Roh Sung Ho | 15,000(150 BB) |
NY Ng Yi Wen Nicholas Michael | 15,000(150 BB) |
JN Jargalsaikhan Nyam-Ochir | 15,000(150 BB) |
YW Yaojiang Wang | 15,000(150 BB) |
LZ Li Zheng | 15,000(150 BB) |
YT Yundong Tan | 15,000(150 BB) |
WG Wang Gang | 15,000(150 BB) |
XH Xu Haiwei | 15,000(150 BB) |
BS Bao Shuang | 15,000(150 BB) |
JW Jingyi Wang | 15,000(150 BB) |
FG Fang Guoqiang | 15,000(150 BB) |
ZC Ziwei Chen | 15,000(150 BB) |
HZ He Zhenqi | 15,000(150 BB) |
SW Shi Wenbin | 15,000(150 BB) |
HH Huang Hua | 15,000(150 BB) |
GS Guodong Sun | 15,000(150 BB) |
Blind level
Level 16: 3,000 / 6,000 ante: 6,000
Total Chips
Main event - Day 1A
9/30/2024, 4:05:14 AM
Double KO!
Level 2: 100 / 200 ante: 200
Following a min-raise, Fang Yiming three-bets 1600, four players call for a sizable pot as they head to the flop 2♦ 3♦ 8♠ . Action is checked to Yiming who shoves 8000, Yang Yi joins in with 14,800, big blind Nadmid Sanduisuren with 15,000 takes the risk as well and the rest fold.
Player | Hand | Chips |
FY Fang Yiming | J♥J♦ | busted |
YY Yang Yi | 5♥4♥ | busted |
SN Sanduisuren Nadmid | 6♦9♦ | 46,100(231 BB) |
With the turn T♦ , that seals the flush and the win for Nadmid to knock out two players.