Main event - Day 1C
End Of Main Event Day 1C - Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
LX Li Xinze | 672,000(67 BB) |
HG Hong Gang | 368,000(37 BB) |
WS Wang Sheng Yong | 335,000(34 BB) |
CY Che Yixian | 253,000(25 BB) |
WX Wang Xu | 245,000(25 BB) |
DQ Do Quang Trinh | 200,000(20 BB) |
TX Tang Xin | 200,000(20 BB) |
WC Wang Chongyang | 164,000(16 BB) |
AL Anqi Luo | 100,000(10 BB) |
YZ Yuhua Zhou | 95,000(10 BB) |
JH Junjie He | 45,000(5 BB) |
ZC Zhai Changyu | 33,000(3 BB) |
SJ Shee Ji Hong | 28,000(3 BB) |
LS Lin Shaozhang | 12,000(1 BB) |
Lucky Catch For Che Yixian
Luck was shining on Che Yixiang who was behind at the showdown then spiked the winner to eliminate Hu Haoran.
Player | Hand | Chips |
CY Che Yixian | A♣Q♥ | 181,000(91 BB) |
HH Hu Haoran | A♦K♠ | busted |
Ladies Boost Che Yixian Into Six-Digits
Che Yixian and Li Xialin build a pot of 16,000 then go full pedal on the flop K♥ Q♦ 6♦ .
Player | Hand | Chips |
CY Che Yixian | Q♠Q♥ | 113,400(71 BB) |
LX Li Xialin | K♦Q♣ | 50,600(32 BB) |
With the turn 4♠ and river A♠ , Yixian's set of ladies prevail to scoop a double up into six digit territory.
Raise Is Good Enough To Take It

On a raised pot preflop, three players check to the turn K♠ Q♣ 5♥ T♣ , Che Yixian leads out for 4000, Li Xialin and Jin Yunlong call. On the river 7♠ , Che leads out again, this time for 9500, Li raises to 30,000, Jin fold, Che gives up his hand as well.
Player | Chips |
LX Li Xialin | 92,300(92 BB) |
CY Che Yixian | 37,000(37 BB) |
YJ Yunlong Jin | 36,300(36 BB) |
Dominated Until The River

Following a raise, Chen Yixian three-bets 5100, Xiao Xianyu four-bets 16,100, initial raiser folds Chen calls and is dominated.
However with the river pairing Chen's kicker card, Xiao is eliminated.
Player | Hand | Chips |
CY Che Yixian | K♥8♠ | 62,000(78 BB) |
XX Xiao Xianyu | A♦K♣ | busted |
Zhang Congya Burns The Set

With action folding to the small blind, Che Yixian opens 1600, big blind Zhang Congya jams for 11,500, Che calls and covers.
Player | Hand | Chips |
CY Che Yixian | J♥J♣ | 74,300(149 BB) |
CZ Congya Zhang | A♦5♦ | 23,500(47 BB) |