Main event - Day 2
Anqi Lo's Aces Stand Solid

Lots of pocket aces have been tabled with many failing to win pots. Not the case for Anqi Luo who was dealt the nuts hole cards and calls for everything on a four-bet push by Du Kanwen.
Current Top Stacks
Player | Chips |
LD Li Dong | 1,430,000(95 BB) |
SR Soriano Ramos | 1,300,000(87 BB) |
TX Tang Xin | 1,150,000(77 BB) |
TK Teng Kah Yew | 1,070,000(71 BB) |
CJ Che Jiaming | 1,000,000(67 BB) |
ZY Zhou Yang | 980,000(65 BB) |
YZ Yang Zhang | 980,000(65 BB) |
SY Song Ying | 970,000(65 BB) |
WH Wang Heng | 950,000(63 BB) |
WL Wei Lu (3) | 940,000(63 BB) |
ZL Zhongxian Li | 910,000(61 BB) |
AL Anton Lu | 900,000(60 BB) |
NH Ngooi Hau | 870,000(58 BB) |
ZH Zou Haichao | 845,000(56 BB) |
GP Guo Pengcheng | 820,000(55 BB) |
DY Ding Yoong Shen | 810,000(54 BB) |
WW Wang Wei (6) | 775,000(52 BB) |
AL Anqi Luo | 770,000(51 BB) |
JY Joonhee Yea | 760,000(51 BB) |
ZT Zhang Tianwei | 760,000(51 BB) |
HG Hong Gang | 720,000(48 BB) |
XQ Xu Qiang | 680,000(45 BB) |
WK Wong Ka Fai | 660,000(44 BB) |
Main event - Day 1C
End Of Main Event Day 1C - Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
LX Li Xinze | 672,000(67 BB) |
HG Hong Gang | 368,000(37 BB) |
WS Wang Sheng Yong | 335,000(34 BB) |
CY Che Yixian | 253,000(25 BB) |
WX Wang Xu | 245,000(25 BB) |
DQ Do Quang Trinh | 200,000(20 BB) |
TX Tang Xin | 200,000(20 BB) |
WC Wang Chongyang | 164,000(16 BB) |
AL Anqi Luo | 100,000(10 BB) |
YZ Yuhua Zhou | 95,000(10 BB) |
JH Junjie He | 45,000(5 BB) |
ZC Zhai Changyu | 33,000(3 BB) |
SJ Shee Ji Hong | 28,000(3 BB) |
LS Lin Shaozhang | 12,000(1 BB) |
Anqi Luo Catapults After Cracking Aces

Heavy preflop action between Anqi Luo and Zhang Chuan starts with 10,000 from Luo, bumped up to 25,000 by Zhang, Luo jams for 118,000 and Zhang with the nuss snap-calls.
At the flip, Luo seemed to be headed for the rail until the flop found a king to overtake with a set that held to the end.
Player | Hand | Chips |
AL Anqi Luo | K♦K♠ | 244,000(81 BB) |
ZC Zhang Chuan | A♦A♣ | 4,000(1 BB) |
Good Pot Earned By Shee Ji Hong
Button raise by Shee Ji Hong sees big blind Anqi Luo defend for a look at the flop A♦ 2♠ Q♣ . Liking what he sees, Shee c-bets 4500 gets check-raised to 13,500, Shee flats. Both tap the felt on the turn T♠ . No more checking on the river K♦ as Shee fires 16,000 inducing a fold from Luo.
Player | Chips |
SJ Shee Ji Hong | 140,000(56 BB) |
AL Anqi Luo | 76,500(31 BB) |