Day 1A
5/4/2023, 3:45:00 PM
Seungsoo Jeon bets every street against Utevskii
Level 4: 200 / 400
400 ante
Button Seungsoo Jeon raises to 900, small blind Artem Utevskii calls. At the flop 2♠ 5♥ 7♠ , Utevskii check-calls a 1,300 bet from Jeon. On the turn 2♣ same action with a 3,000 bet called by Utevskii. On the river 4♣ , Jeon shoves, this time no call from Utevskii
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
25,000(63 BB) | -125,000 | |
20,000(50 BB) | 20,000 |