Day 2

5/6/2023, 9:05:00 PM

Anton Welo Tor saved by the river

Level 24: 15,000 / 30,000

30,000 ante

On a flop 5 J K and a large 200,000 in the pot, lojack William Teoh bet 120,000, hijack Anton Welo Tor calls, big blind folds. On the turn J , Anton adds 220,000 more into the pot, Teoh raises to 500,000, Anton shoves, and Teoh calls.

Teo K T Anton A J

The river is a lucky J for a very lucky double up to Anton.

Chip Counts

2,000,000(67 BB)
1,200,000(40 BB)
5/6/2023, 8:35:00 PM

Anton Del Rosario eliminated in 15th place - PHP 306,000 (~US$ 5,530)

Level 23: 10,000 / 25,000

25,000 ante

Lojack Anton Del Rosario shoves his short stack, button Anton Welo Tor raises to 55,000, big blind Anthony Tacda calls. At the flop and turn 9 8 7 T , both players check. On the river 3 , Tacda bets 60,000, Welo Tor folds.

Tacda K J straight, Del Rosario busts with K 8 pair.

Chip Counts

900,000(36 BB)
750,000(30 BB)
5/6/2023, 8:07:00 PM

Tollefsen tumbles in 17th place - PHP 272,000 (~US$ 4,915)

Level 23: 10,000 / 25,000

25,000 ante

Two players brew up a 120,000 pot preflop then stare down a flop 9 7 T . Cutoff position Henrik Tollefsen bets 50,000, big blind spot Anton Welo Tor check-raises to 130,000, Tollefsen shoves, Anton calls to put the Norwegian pro at risk.

Tollefsen A A Anton 6 8

With Anton sitting on a straight, Tollefsen is nearly drawing dead. The turn Q assures it. The river Q is of no consequence.

Chip Counts

1,000,000(40 BB)
5/6/2023, 7:40:00 PM

Anton Welo Tor goes aggro

Level 23: 10,000 / 25,000

25,000 ante

Button player Anton Welo Tor raises to 50,000, big blind Edwin Dela Cruz defends, the flop comes 3 9 K . Dela Cruz checks to the aggressor Anton who sends out 30,000, Dela Cruz flats. On the turn J , another barrel fired of 125,000 by Anton, this time Dela Cruz folds.

Chip Counts

1,600,000(64 BB)
650,000(26 BB)
5/6/2023, 1:50:00 PM

William Teoh doubles through

Level 17: 4,000 / 8,000

On a flop 2 7 T and 82,000 in the pot, hijack William Teoh shoves and is check-called by small blind Anton Welo Tor. Teoh has A 6 draw, Anton with K K , at the turn A Teoh jumps ahead, and with river 7 Teoh scores a double up.

Chip Counts

250,000(31 BB)
240,000(30 BB)