Day 1

9/29/2023, 11:58:00 PM

Ong Zi Sheng spikes a straight

Level 9: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200

Both players on the blinds called an utg open and saw a flop of 6 8 5 . Action checked around leading to the turn 7 . Small blind Truong Michael led out a bet of 5,200 and big blind Ong Zi Sheng moved all-in for 37,800 total. Original raiser folds and Truong makes the call.

Ong 4 3 Truong T 7

A ton of outs for Truong, the river 5 was not one of those, leaving Ong’s turned straight good for the double up.

Chip Counts

83,400(70 BB)
13,000(11 BB)
9/29/2023, 12:58:00 AM

Punnat Punsri delivers double elimination

Level 11: 1,000 / 2,000 ante: 2,000

Utg Truong Michael open shoved for 15,000, called by Punnat Punsri behind. On to big blind Nguyen Duy Thuc, he decided to join the action and moved all-in for 10,000 more. Punsri calls, making it a three way situation.

Truong Q T Punsri 6 6 Nguyen A J

Looking to fade several overcards, Punsri managed to do just that as the board ran 2 3 2 K 9 . Punsri locks in the pot with two pair sixes and deuces, knocking both opponents out at the same time.

Chip Counts

155,000(78 BB)
9/29/2023, 12:18:00 AM

Litasov Vladimir cripples opponent

Level 10: 1,000 / 1,500 ante: 1,500

An all-in preflop situation, Litasov Vladimir’s 4 4 was up against Truong Michael’s A J for a flip. The board ran Q 8 J 4 A , hitting both players - Litasov with a set, Truong with two pair. Litasov scoops up the double up while Truong is crippled down to 1 BB.

Chip Counts

65,000(43 BB)
1,500(1 BB)