Day 1

9/29/2023, 3:46:00 PM

Lee Cheung Lok Doubles Up Through Ohta Erina

Level 11: 1,000 / 2,000 ante: 2,000

Utg+1 Ohta Erina raises then calls Lee Cheung Lok’s three-bet. Ohta A {44s}, Lee 9 9 , board runs 8 Q Q 7 3 . No ace for Ohta to pay a costly double up and drop to 4 bb.

Chip Counts

39,000(20 BB)
8,000(4 BB)
9/29/2023, 3:22:00 PM

Ohta Erina Rivers Two Pair to Double Up

Level 10: 1,000 / 1,500 ante: 1,500

Ohta Erina three bet all in (13,000) from the big blind, initial raiser Sakiyama Toru calls. Ohta 6 9 , Toru A 7 . The board runs 6 {jc|} A 2 9 for two pair rivered by Ohta .

Chip Counts

88,000(59 BB)
28,500(19 BB)