Day 1

9/29/2023, 10:36:00 PM

Nguyen Thai knocks opponent out

Level 12: 1,000 / 2,500 ante: 2,500

Folded to the hijack, short stacked Kojima Kazuya flicked in his 10,000 and was called by Nguyen Thai behind. Kazuya with A 3 was slightly behind Nguyen’s A 7 but left potential for a split pot. The board 6 5 J J 8 however, placed Nguyen’s ace-seven high in play to send Kazuya out.

Chip Counts

165,000(66 BB)
9/29/2023, 10:24:00 PM

Kojima Kazuya gets crippled

Level 12: 1,000 / 2,500 ante: 2,500

From the cutoff, Kojima Kazuya pushed all-in and was joined by big blind Chau Chung Yiu Clement with a lesser 37,000 stack.

Kojima A J Chau J J

A queen high board 6 Q 5 4 7 spared no bad beats for Chau as he takes down the 31 BB pot. Kojima survives but is crippled down to 1 BB.

Chip Counts

77,500(31 BB)
3,000(1 BB)
9/29/2023, 8:46:00 PM

Aces cracked for Long Ta Dinh

Level 10: 1,000 / 1,500 ante: 1,500
Kojima Kazuya
Kojima Kazuya

Utg+1 Kojima Kazuya opened to 3,000 and called off Long Ta Dinh’s 27,000 all-in.

Long A A Kojima T T

In with the best hand, Long suffered a terrible bad beat after the board K 8 J T 3 faced up another ten for his elimination.

Chip Counts

80,000(53 BB)