Day 2
Yi Ma Delivers Double Bust

A three way all-in saw Yi Ma put both Yi Qin (126,000) and Chris Shebat (156,500) at risk simultaneously, covering as well as dominating both opponents. Ma quickly landed a pair on flop Q♥ K♠ 2♣ 3♣ 2♥ and cruised to victory shortly after the runout completed.
Player | Hand | Chips |
YM Yi Ma | A♦Q♠ HJ | 821,000(137 BB) |
YQ Yi Qin | A♠7♠ UTG+1 | busted |
CS Chris Shebat | A♥5♥ MP | busted |
Day 1A
End Of Day 1A Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
YC Yita Choong | 401,000(160 BB) |
PP Peter Park | 304,000(122 BB) |
NZ Nan Zhang | 257,000(103 BB) |
TH Thijs Hilberts | 252,000(101 BB) |
WC Wei Chen Lin | 238,500(95 BB) |
XX Xian Xiao | 235,000(94 BB) |
XL Xixiang Luo | 224,000(90 BB) |
RL Rong Long | 220,000(88 BB) |
ZL Zhongyao Li | 187,500(75 BB) |
CB Cheng Bo | 187,000(75 BB) |
VL Valery Li | 179,000(72 BB) |
JT Jiaqi Teng | 172,000(69 BB) |
ZX Zhang Xudong | 171,000(68 BB) |
LC Lin Chen-An | 166,500(67 BB) |
CW Chen Wenwen | 164,000(66 BB) |
TH Tom Henricus Verbruggen | 152,000(61 BB) |
JL Jianwei Lin | 148,500(59 BB) |
CL Chen Long | 121,500(49 BB) |
YQ Yi Qin | 118,500(47 BB) |
SD Shen Dongli | 118,000(47 BB) |
ZT Ziqing Tang | 118,000(47 BB) |
JB Jin Boxin | 105,500(42 BB) |
PD Patrik Demus | 105,000(42 BB) |
YL Yong Li (3) | 104,000(42 BB) |
ZZ Zhang Zhi | 101,000(40 BB) |
JZ Jie Zheng (2) | 94,500(38 BB) |
HZ Hang Zhou | 94,000(38 BB) |
HH Hu Haoran | 93,000(37 BB) |
CC Cheng Chao Ting | 85,000(34 BB) |
NZ Ning Zhang | 81,500(33 BB) |
YS Ying Song | 80,500(32 BB) |
SC Sun Chang Liang | 76,000(30 BB) |
YY Yang Yipeng | 73,000(29 BB) |
SX Shizi Xiao | 66,500(27 BB) |
RM Renji Mao | 66,000(26 BB) |
QZ Qing Zhao (2) | 63,000(25 BB) |
XJ Xiaqing Ji | 60,000(24 BB) |
HC Ho Chung Yi | 56,500(23 BB) |
WY Wang Yanfeng | 56,000(22 BB) |
LH Liu Hengzhao | 49,500(20 BB) |
YW Yongbin Wang | 49,500(20 BB) |
JH Jiaqi He | 46,000(18 BB) |
MJ Ming Jiang | 40,000(16 BB) |
ZY Zhao Yan | 25,500(10 BB) |
PC Pao Chen | 23,000(9 BB) |
Peter Park Cracks 300K Mark

Peter Park opened 5,500 utg, called behind by Yi Qin and Xixiang Luo on the big blind. Action on flop 8♣ K♣ 2♦ checked round to turn Q♦ , where Luo led 7,000. Park put in a raise to 27,000, called only by Qin. Park fired a final 25,000 on river A♣ , and Qin quickly laid it down.
Player | Chips |
PP Peter Park | 305,000(122 BB) |
XL Xixiang Luo | 242,000(97 BB) |
YQ Yi Qin | 61,000(24 BB) |
Timely Triple Up for Yongbin Wang

Yi Qin opened utg+1, followed by an all-in from Yongbin Wang for 16,000. Pao Fan Chen on the big blind put in the call, as well as Qin, for a three way pot. On flop A♦ 7♣ 5♠ , Chen led 15,000, and Qin decided to fold.
Wang A♣ K♣
Chen A♠ J♣
A top pair battle, Wang's kicker ran in play as turn 8♣ and river 7♦ completed the board, earning him the triple up.
Player | Chips |
PC Pao Chen | 112,000(75 BB) |
YQ Yi Qin | 106,000(71 BB) |
YW Yongbin Wang | 49,500(33 BB) |
Top Chip Counts

Korea Poker Cup Main Event players are off to a 30-minute break, with registration deemed to close right before the start of Level 10. Netherlands' Thijs Hilberts currently holds down the lead, being the sole runner to crack the 200K mark across the remaining 87-player field.
Day 1A is set to close following three more levels, with action wrapping up by the end of Level 12.
Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
TH Thijs Hilberts | 221,000(147 BB) |
XL Xixiang Luo | 175,000(117 BB) |
JT Jiaqi Teng | 173,500(116 BB) |
YY Yang Yipeng | 172,500(115 BB) |
NZ Nan Zhang | 172,000(115 BB) |
VL Valery Li | 161,500(108 BB) |
PC Pao Chen | 141,000(94 BB) |
WC Wei Chen Lin | 136,000(91 BB) |
YQ Yi Qin | 131,000(87 BB) |
CB Cheng Bo | 131,000(87 BB) |
JB Jin Boxin | 130,500(87 BB) |
ZT Ziqing Tang | 129,000(86 BB) |
CE Chzhen Evgenii | 121,000(81 BB) |
Pao Fan Chen Flops the World

With 4,800 in the pot on flop 9♦ 9♣ 7♥ , small blind Yi Qin led for 2,500, raised by Pao Fan Chen behind to 6,000. Qin bumped it up further to 21,000, and went on to barrel all-in on turn 2♣ . Chen called down for his entire 52,900 with J♣ 9♠ , and left Qin's 4♦ 2♦ drawing dead straight away.
Yi Qin Slams It Through

With 9,900 in the middle on flop K♠ T♠ 8♣ , Changyang Liu sent out a bet of 1,500, and folded after initial raiser Yi Qin check raised all-in.
Player | Chips |
YQ Yi Qin | 87,900(220 BB) |
CL Changyang Liu | 25,800(65 BB) |
Top Chip Counts

Player | Chips |
SC Sun Chang Liang | 92,100(230 BB) |
BK Beng Ker | 80,200(201 BB) |
YQ Yi Qin | 80,200(201 BB) |
SX Shizi Xiao | 71,200(178 BB) |
JK Jinwoo Kim | 70,900(177 BB) |
WC Wei Chen Lin | 56,700(142 BB) |
53,100(133 BB) | |
50,200(126 BB) |
Yi Qin Bluffs Off Jianwei Lin

Vying for a pot of 2,200 on board 5♣ J♥ 9♥ J♦ , action was caught on Yi Qin on the small blind with a bet of 1,100. Jianwei Lin bumped it up to 4,400, yet folded after Qin pulled another raise to 14,100. Qin showed pure air 4♣ 3♦ as he raked in the pot.
Player | Chips |
YQ Yi Qin | 39,100(196 BB) |
JL Jianwei Lin | 20,000(100 BB) |