Day 1C
Zack Elan wins a pot

Chris Boys raises 1,500 from under-the-gun+2 and Zack Elan on the cutoff calls. The flop runs J♣ 4♦ 9♣ , Boys c-bets 2,500 and Elan calls. Turn 4♠ is checked down for a free river Q♥ . Boys bets 5,000, Elan calls, Boys J♦ 8♠ loses to Elan Q♦ J♠ two pair.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
94,000(235 BB) | -42,000 | |
43,000(108 BB) | 43,000 |
Chris Boys delivers a double KO

Under-the-gun+1 Zack Elan raises 1,200 and is joined by three callers to the flop 7♠ 2♠ T♥ . Elan c-bets all-in for 12,900, hijack Chris Boys joins in for 30,300, and big blind Graham Colin calls with less for a three-way.
Zack Elan 4♠ 5♦ bluff Chris Boys J♥ T♠ top pair Graham Colin 8♠ 9♣ open ended
The turn and river Q♠ 9♠ , Zack and Colin are eliminated.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
136,000(340 BB) | 136,000 | |
busted | -12,600 | |
busted | -24,900 |
Zack Elan on the best end of a cooler
Jeff Ballester fires double barrels on the big blind
From utg+1 Graham Colin raises 1,200, hijack Zack Elan and big blind Jeff Ballester call. Flop Q♠ 5♣ 6♦ sees Ballester bet 5,000 and both players call. Ballester bets 8,500 on the turn 3♦ , this time both players fold.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
48,100(120 BB) | 48,100 | |
24,900(62 BB) | -3,700 | |
15,000(38 BB) | 15,000 |