Day 1E

5/5/2024, 6:22:00 PM

Chris Boys piles it high

Level 7: 500 / 1,000 ante: 1,000
Chris Boys
Chris Boys

Utg+2 opened to 2,000, called by Ryan Antig behind along with button Chris Boys. Flop came 3 T 3 and action was checked to Boys who bet 1,500. Both players make the call and head to turn Q . Antig this time leads for 16,000, followed by an all-in from Boys for 38,000 total. Raiser calls off for his 17,800 behind and Antig puts in the final call.

Boys K T Antig K J X A 9

The river K spared no heart, improving Boys to a higher two pair to ship the pot.

Chip Counts

106,800(107 BB)
19,400(19 BB)