Day 1D

5/5/2024, 10:31:00 PM

Benhur destined to crush Kings

Level 13: 3,000 / 5,000 ante: 5,000

Utg+2 Benhur opens 10,000, cutoff Richard Tolentino three-bets 25,000, Benhur calls then bets 20,000 on the flop J 3 7 . Tolentino answers with a shove of 126,000, Benhur calls and reveals 3 3 set, Tolentino K K . The turn 3 secures the win for Benhur as Tolentino packs up.

Chip Counts

419,000(84 BB)
5/5/2024, 8:50:00 PM

Richard Tolentino wins the three-way

Level 11: 1,500 / 3,000 ante: 3,000

Dek Cruz open shoves 32,000, Richard Tolentino three-bets all in 40,500, Kai Paulsen four-bets all in with the biggest stack.

Dek Cruz K T Richard Tolentino A J Kai Paulsen J J

The board runs 6 8 A 7 Q . Tolentino doubles up and more as Cruz goes bust.

Chip Counts

120,500(40 BB)
91,500(31 BB)
5/5/2024, 8:38:00 PM

Dek Cruz doubles up

Level 10: 1,000 / 2,000 ante: 2,000
Dek Cruz at Chase Cup
Dek Cruz

Utg Richard Tolentino opens 6,000 and two callers join to the flop 7 K 3 . Small blind Dek Cruz shoves his last 10 bb, Tolentino calls as one folds. Cruz K 9 , Tolentino J J , turn and river 8 5 are good to Cruz to double through.

Chip Counts

65,000(33 BB)
35,000(18 BB)
5/5/2024, 3:11:00 PM

Graham Colin loses some chips

Level 3: 200 / 400 ante: 400

Utg Graham Colin opens and is called by big blind Richard Tolentino. Colin c-bets the flop T J Q , and is called again. However, on the turn 9 , Colin’s 2,300 bet sees a check-raise of 6,000, Colin folds.

Chip Counts

46,000(115 BB)
43,800(110 BB)

Day 1E

5/5/2024, 12:04:00 AM

Richard Tolentino cracks aces

Level 14: 3,000 / 5,000 ante: 5,000

Utg+2 Richard Tolentino moved all-in for his 61,000 stack with Q T and ran right into big blind Jason Ambata’s A A . Up against a monster, Tolentino had luck on his side as he ran a straight on board 5 J 9 K 3 to spare him from elimination.

Chip Counts

141,000(28 BB)
22,000(4 BB)

Day 1C

5/3/2024, 9:32:00 PM

Boyet Drilon rails Richard Tolentino

Level 11: 1,500 / 3,000 ante: 3,000
Boyet Drilon at Chase Cup
Boyet Drilon

Utg Boyet Drilon opens then calls Richard Tolentino’s three-bet shove of 47,000. Drilon’s J J go on to win against A K on a board 2 J 9 6 A .

Chip Counts

5/3/2024, 2:31:00 PM

Richard Tolentino drives the pot

Level 2: 200 / 300 ante: 300

A four-way unraised pot, flop runs J 5 6 . Small blind checks, Richard Tolentino on the big blind bets 500, hijack folds, and the two other players call. On the turn A small blind checks again, Tolentino bets 1,700, button folds, and small blind calls. The river A , Tolentino fires 6,200 and wins the pot as small blind folds.

Chip Counts

39,900(133 BB)
5/3/2024, 1:41:00 PM

Richard Tolentino sniffs out JJ’s bluff

Level 1: 100 / 200 ante: 200

Small blind limps, big blind checks, they head to the flop 6 Q 4 with a check down. Turn opens 5 small blind Richard Tolentino checks and big blind JJ bets 500. River opens A Tolentino checks again then calls, JJ’s 2,600 bet. Tolentino has Q T and claims the pot over JJ’s K 8 .

Chip Counts

34,100(171 BB)
20,000(100 BB)

Day 1A

5/2/2024, 3:30:00 PM

Richard Tolentino puts some muscle on it

Level 4: 300 / 500 ante: 500

Richard Tolentino opens 1,100 from utg and finds two callers to the flop 6 A 8 . Tolentino c-bets 1,500, button raises 4,5000, big blind folds, Tolentino answers with an 11,000 three-bet, button folds.

Chip Counts

33,500(67 BB)