Day 2

5/6/2024, 5:58:00 PM

Migs Espino cracks kings

Level 17: 6,000 / 12,000 ante: 12,000
Migs Espino
Migs Espino

A three way three bet pot led by button Alvin Vestil headed to flop 3 3 5 . Original raiser Migs Espino open jammed 278,000 in and was called by Vestil with K K . Espino is behind with 9 9 but was in luck after the turn rolled a 9 to give him a boat and eventually bag the win.

Chip Counts

767,000(64 BB)
5/6/2024, 2:37:00 PM

Chris Boys doubles with top pair

Level 14: 3,000 / 5,000 ante: 5,000
Chris Boys
Chris Boys

Utg Migs Espino opened to 15,000, called behind by hijack Chris Boys. On flop 5 J 3 , Espino check called Boys’s 100,000 all-in with 7 7 and was crushed to see Boys’s K J top pair. Down to two outs, the turn 8 and river 6 were neither one of them, leaving Espino to fork over a chunk of his stack.

Chip Counts

245,000(49 BB)
135,000(27 BB)