Day 1D

5/5/2024, 8:59:00 PM

Higher flush for Juan Miguel Espino

Level 11: 1,500 / 3,000 ante: 3,000

Juan Miguel Espino calls a three-bets shove then proceeds to rail one with 8 8 higher flush over J T on a board A 9 5 Q 4 .

Chip Counts

151,000(50 BB)
5/5/2024, 5:24:00 PM

Juan Miguel Espino’s cowboys cracked by two-outer

Level 6: 400 / 800 ante: 800

Juan Miguel Espino opens then calls Jeorge Lagatuz’s shove and is ahead K K over T T . However with the board running 2 9 2 8 T , Espino’s cowboys are cracked as Lagatuz is saved from elimination.

Chip Counts

60,400(76 BB)
57,800(72 BB)
5/5/2024, 5:16:00 PM

Juan Miguel Espino gains with top pair

Level 6: 400 / 800 ante: 800

Juan Miguel Espino opens then calls a re-raise of 4,000 by cutoff. At the flop 9 T 2 , Espino check-calls 3,000. Both check the turn A , then Espion bets 6,000 on the river K . Cutoff calls, Espino shows the top pair {a} 8 and wins the pot.

Chip Counts

27,000(34 BB)
5/5/2024, 4:04:00 PM

Juan Miguel Espino lands trips to double up

Level 4: 300 / 500 ante: 500

Pax opens from utg and three callers join him to the flop 5 T T . Pax c-bets 5,000, utg+1 Juan Miguel Espino jams 24,000, two folds follow, Pax calls.

Pax J J overpair Juan Miguel Espino A T trips

The turn and river 3 8 are no help to Pax to pay the double up.

Chip Counts

60,300(121 BB)
5,900(12 BB)
5/5/2024, 12:22:00 AM

Short stacks double up

Level 15: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000
Raivin Enriquez at Chase Cup
Raivin Enriquez

Raivin Enriquez all in for 56,000 with A 5 then doubles up through caller Benhur’s Q J on board 2 6 9 A 4 .

Juan Miguel Espino at Chase Cup
Juan Miguel Espino

Juan Miguel Espino all in for 92,000 with A J and is saved on a board 5 J 6 5 8 to survive caller’s A Q .

Chip Counts

249,000(31 BB)
188,000(24 BB)
116,000(15 BB)