Blind level
Level 10: 700 / 1,400 ante: 1,400
Total Chips

Flight C

2/11/2025, 5:25:56 AM

Tsujisaka Building His Stack Back

Level 4: 200 / 400 ante: 400
Tetsuya Tsujisaka

On a flop of K 9 Q , three players checked, leaving the action to Tetsuya Tsujisaka in the cutoff, who fired a 2,000 bet. Hao Huang, on the button, folded, while Oliver Serrie, in the small blind, made the call. Tanawat U-Snit, in the big blind, decided to let his hand go.

The turn brought the K , and the river 2 , with both players opting to check it down to a showdown. Tsujisaka tabled Q 6 , revealing a two-pair, while Serrie showed T 9 , having flopped a pair. With U-Snit already out of the hand, Tsujisaka raked in the pot.

Immediately after that win, though still below the starting stack, Tsujisaka opened to 800. U-Snit once again called, but this time, Melchor Vasquez, now in the big blind, decided to turn up the heat with a three-bet to 3,500. Tsujisaka wasted no time and shoved all-in for around 26,000, forcing both opponents to fold and securing another pot.

77,000(193 BB)
58,000(145 BB)
Melchor VasquezPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
32,000(80 BB)
30,000(75 BB)
2/11/2025, 4:46:28 AM

Tsujisaka Flops a Straight

Level 3: 200 / 300 ante: 300

Tetsuya Tsujisaka raised to 700 from the hijack and received three callers: Mac Hoa called from the cutoff, Olivier Serrie and Tanawat U-Snit from the blinds.

Four players read a flop of 8 T 9 , and the blinds checked over. Tsujisaka made a continuation-bet of 2,800. Only Serrie made the call. The A hit on the turn, and it went check-check.

The 4 landed on the river, where both players checked to a free showdown. After Tsujisaka revealed Q J for flopped a straight, Serrie threw his cards back to the dealer.

54,500(182 BB)
53,500(178 BB)
48,000(160 BB)
Mac Thi HoaHong Kong [HKG]Hong Kong
14,500(48 BB)